Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jake's story - Chapter Two

Chapter 2

Jake's alarm clock rang irritably when he woke up on a cold September morning. He had been living in Finland for about one and half months now. In August it had still been warm enough for his liking but the weather had kept getting colder and colder. Now the temperatures were below anything he had ever experienced before: his family had always visited Finland during the summer.

The coldness and lack of light didn't exactly help to cheer up Jake's mood. The sun didn't rise until a few hours after he woke up and it went down before he got away from school. If it wasn't dark, it was raining. The cold raindrops from the grey sky made Jake feel down. The fact that he couldn't surf didn't make it any better.

Jake was also quite busy with school work. He had to build models and design different kinds of projects and there was a deadline for something at least once per week. Jake did enjoy the projects, though, but the best thing about starting college was definitely the fact that he could move away from home. His parents had bought themselves a very nice detached house from Espoo but Jake had announced that he'd rather live in a dorm and get a roommate. He very much enjoyed the new freedom, the messy surroundings and being able to eat whenever and whatever he liked. It also worked out well with the studies, as he often had to work during nights if a deadline was drawing close. For now he hadn't got a roommate, but he knew that it wouldn't be long until somebody moved in. The demand for dorm rooms was great and Jake lived only about five hundred meters from his school.

Jake often thought about the last day he had spent in America. He could rarely chat with Mark and Alex due to the vast time difference. He missed them but he also knew that they were doing fine. Jake was also going to see the guys in October during the one-week-holiday he had from his school. He had forgotten some of things in California and he had to get them himself from his room, as his parents hadn't sold the house. He couldn't wait to get to surf again as well.

Speaking of sports, Jake hadn't found any suitable one in Finland. The nearest swimming pool was miles away and he didn't really enjoy jogging in the awful Finnish weather. His school had a gym, but Jake had only worked out there a couple of times. There simply wasn't time for it as there was lots of school work to be done. Besides, there were plenty of parties for students to go into and Jake enjoyed to go to them with his new friends. He had started to enjoy drinking beer a little bit too much for his liking, as he knew how calorific and bad for his body it was. He had neither forgotten about the burgers. There was a McDonald's very near to his flat and he had visited it more than once per week. He had not bought more than one burger at a time, though, but he'd found his new favorite: the bic mac. Often Jake would skip breakfast due to being in a hurry, eat at the school's cafeteria and then grab a bic mac with fries on his way home. He knew it probably wasn't healthy but he had good genes and would not gain weight, or so he told himself.

Nowadays Jake felt bloated all the time. He figured that it was the increase in his carbohydrate intake that caused it. After the day of eating twenty burgers he had been swollen and unable to eat pretty much anything for a couple of days. It was hardly a surprise: he had checked that those twenty burgers were worth 6000 calories, almost three days worth of eating. After those couple of days, his six pack had showed up again, though it wasn't as defined as it had been before that. It had been a month since Jake had last seen his six pack but then he was eating lots of carbohydrates. 

The bloat didn't even go away in the mornings, which concerned him a little. He had noticed some of his tightest clothes getting a little uncomfortable as well, so he had switched to wearing his warmer, looser clothes. Jake figured to reduce his eating at least until his trip back to California so that his beach body would be perfect like it was when he left.

After a couple weeks of eating less and doing some exercising with weights, Jake still didn't see his six pack. When he stepped on the scales, he had only gained a pound, which should not have been enough to cover his abs. Yet, when he touched his belly, he felt a soft, about an inch deep pillow over his ”rock-hard” abs. There was only one way to settle the matter for good. If the scales didn't tell him the truth and his measuring tape was one of the things he had forgotten to his room in California, the only thing he could do is to try on his summer clothes that he hadn't been wearing since August.

Jake went to his closet and picked his favorite surfing shorts that he had worn on the day before he moved into Finland. Back in then the shorts had fit loosely. Jake hesitated to try them on for a moment, fearing what he might find out. Regardless of his fears, he tried the shorts on. It went well until the shorts reached his ass. He had to struggle to get them past it. The shorts were skin-tight. He could still wear them, but his weight gain was undeniable. Jake was surprised that he was excited rather than horrified. Somehow the new found flab that hung slightly over the waistband of the tight shorts was exciting. He took off the shirts and tried on some size 30 jeans. They took even more struggle to get on and Jake almost gave up trying to button them. In the end after tensing his abs, or sucking in his new gut, he managed to get the jeans buttoned. After that he tried on a size S collar shirt. The buttons were straining from trying to contain his belly and after he stretched, the shirt rode up revealing his lower belly.

Jake sat down to admire the sight, feeling excited. The softness of the flab on his belly felt like nothing he had ever touched before. He had always been lean and now he had probably even passed Mark in the amount of belly fat. It was that thought that killed his excitement. He was no longer physically better than his two best friends. He squeezed his belly feeling ashamed. It was then when Jake heard somebody fitting keys in the door of his apartment. Jake paniced, but had no time to change to his more comfortable clothes before a man entered the apartment.

The man was Jake's classmate, a new friend of Jake's. His name was Juho. He had a few suitcases with him and an astonished expression on his face.

”Uh... Hey there!” Juho said in Finnish. Jake wasn't fluent in Finnish, but he could understand it.

”Hey,” Jake said blushing. He pulled his shirt down but it did little good to hide his flab as it poked out between the buttons of the shirt.

Juho was probably the last person whom Jake wanted to witness the sight. He had a little crush on Juho, whom was tall and very handsome with his blue eyes and blonde hair. Juho was muscular but he also had a little belly to go along with the muscles. He always said he was on a bulking season, but Jake had seen no sign of the so called bulking season ending. Jake didn't know if Juho was gay, but he admired both Juho's appearance and his personality.

”I... Was just trying on some clothes,” Jake said awkwardly.

”Shrunk in the wash, it seems,” Juho said winking.

”Yeah. I washed them in a too hot temperature.” It would have been the perfect excuse if the shirt wasn't white. It would never stay that white after a hot bath with blue jeans.

Juho smiled in answer, put down his suitcases and walked to Jake. He poked Jake's soft flesh as the shirt had ridden up again. It was the hottest moment Jake had ever experienced so far. Yet it was awkward.

”Yeah. Definitely wrong temperature,” Juho laughed.

Jake blushed again. ”I'll go change my clothes.” Just before he left he noticed a bump in Juho's pants.

Jake quickly changed back to his better fitting clothes and got back to Juho, who was unpacking his suitcases.

”So, you'll be my new flatmate?” Jake asked.

”Yeah, I suppose so. Such a coincidence, right?”


Jake helped Juho to unpack. After the packing Juho went to get two pizzas from his car. They were both family sized.

”I thought we could celebrate a little!” he said cheerfully.

”I think I shouldn't...” Jake started.

”Stop it right there! I know what you're thinking and it's not like one pizza would hurt you. If I were you, I'd forget that collar shirt, though,” Juho said. Jake blushed... again. He did take the pizza, though. It was still warm and smelled delicious.

”I've never eaten a family sized pizza before. This thing is huge! Normal ones wouldn't have sufficed?” Juho just laughed and winked in answer.

The time flew by as the two of them chatted. Jake always enjoyed a chat with Juho and the same seemed to be true the other way around. Even though Jake had eaten a cheeseburger and a normal lunch at the school cafeteria, he was half way through his pizza before he even noticed. At this point Juho had already stopped eating. Jake pondered whether he should stop eating too. He wasn't exactly full but he didn't want to look like a greedy pig in front of his friend and crush.

”Eat away, you can have mine too if you like,” Juho said

”I probably shouldn't. I've already eaten way too much today,” Jake said putting his hand on his belly.

”But it's such a waste to throw so much food away. How about this: I try to manage eat one quarter of my pizza and you will eat yours and the rest?” Juho suggested.

Suddenly Jake felt bad. After all Juho had bought the food and pizzas weren't exactly free if you had a student's monthly incomes.

”Well, all right. How could I say no to free pizza?” Jake said smiling. Juho smiled back to him.

Jake got back to eating his pizza. He was quite shocked that he could eat the whole of his own pizza before feeling stuffed. It was the third of Juho's pizza which caused him the trouble. Juho watched Jake eagerly, looking forward to seeing him finish the pizza. Jake sighed and ate the rest of the huge portion bite by bite. Each bite was more difficult to swallow than the one before.

”Uhh... I've never been so full in my life,” Jake moaned. Luckily he had his loosest t-shirt on as he felt that his gut was absolutely massive.

Jake tried to get up but it turned out that his gut was too heavy for him to walk. Juho got up to help him to get to the sofa. Jake mumbled him a thank you.

”I didn't know you had it in you to eat that much!” Juho said sounding surprised.

”Me neither... Oh god it hurts,” Jake moaned.

”I'm sorry I made you eat so much.”

”It's allright. It was me who ate it in the end,” Jake said silently. He decided to lift his shirt to reveal his gut. It has swollen so much that Jake looked almost obese. ”Look at this! When I moved here I had abs and all...”

”I've noticed, man. Don't worry, nobody will judge you. Is there anything I can do to help?”

”With what?”

”The pain. I could massage you, if you don't think that's too weird an idea,” Juho said blushing.

”Well, if you're all right with it. I'm the gay here, I guess...”

Juho laughed awkwardly. ”Right.”

Jake had not had many massages in his life, but he could tell that Juho was very good at it. It didn't take long for the pain to decrease. Jake felt sleepy and it didn't take long until he fell asleep.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Jake's story - Chapter One

Chapter 1

The seawater felt warm to Jake's feet as he walked toward the shore, where two of his friends were already waiting for him, holding a surfboard under his arm. The last rays of the setting sun illuminated the beautiful Californian beach. It was both a happy and a sad moment. Jake had been surfing for seven years and could not imagine his life without it. This would be, however, the last time he would be surfing in a long time. Jake would move into Finland with his family and start studies at Aalto university's department of architecture.

 ”It was a great day, wasn't it?” Jake's friend Mark shouted.

That it was,” Jake said with a hint of melancholy in his words.

The other friend, Alex patted him on the shoulder. ”You'll get back soon, don't worry. Besides, you never know how big waves they have in the Baltic Sea.”

In fact Jake did know how big the waves of the Baltic Sea were. He had been in Finland a couple of times to visit his relatives who lived there. His parents had moved to the States when Jake was little. Actually his name was Jaakko, but since nobody could pronounce it correctly, everybody just called him Jake. The truth was nobody could surf on the waves of the Baltic sea. They were too small and the sea was too cold in the winter.

Alex tossed Jake a towel.

You better cover your six pack before the girls come for us, this night is for guys only!”

What girls? There aren't any...” Jake started. He stopped when he saw Alex pointing at a group of girls, who most likely had came to see good looking surfers.

Having girls watch the boys surfing was rather common. The bad side of this was that both Alex and Mark had girlfriends. Jake himself had never been into girls. It was men he admired and his friends knew that. Funnily enough, it was Jake whom interested the girls the most. The three of them were all lean, but Jake was the most muscular and the only one to have his six pack visible. Alex had had his too but after he had gotten into a relationship, he had let himself go a bit. Mark had never had the self-discipline to get his six pack visible. He was muscular, but his mid section had always been covered in a thin, soft layer of flab. It had always fascinated Jake.

Jake dried himself and put on his shirt, jeans and shoes. After that they got to Alex's truck and drove off leaving the girls to wave after them. Jake sort of liked the admiration but it also annoyed him since the girls only had one thing in mind: who could be the first one to have sex with the sexiest surfer in town. That had became clear after far too many conversations to Jake's liking.

Usually the boys went for a beer at a local bar, but today the bar was closed. Alex surprised Jake by driving to a McDonald's drive-trhough.

Guys? You know I've never eaten hamburgers. My parents wouldn't let me as they are unhealthy and I agree with them! If I ate those, I wouldn't have this,” Jake said lifting his shirt and patting his abs.

But you can't move to another country before tasting the american burgers, mate! It would be like going to Rome and not visiting the colosseum,” Mark insisted. ”I eat here every now and then and I've never heard anybody complaining about my physique.”

Oh well... I guess I can try it. How much of this stuff do you eat anyways? Do you know how many calories there are in one burger?”

You don't come here to count calories, man. Any decent guy would eat at least five cheeseburgers at one sitting. If you're hungry, go for ten. Only anorexic girls have just one burger,” Alex said with a smirk on his face. ”I will get us the food. Just wait here. You won't even have to go inside the building from your nightmares,” he added laughing.

Jake felt uncomfortable. He had been counting calories for years to maintain his physique. He took his phone and went to McDonald's website. He was just about to check the calorie content of the cheeseburgers when Mark took his phone.

Relax! It's not like you lose the six pack just by eating a couple of burgers.”

I am fairly sure nobody eats five burgers at once. Even though I have never eaten one, I didn't live in a cave, you know.”

Yeah... I'm afraid Alex lied to you. In truth we usually both eat at least fifteen burgers, if we're not very hungry. He wanted to take it easy with you today. Happy now?”

Jake had always been overly competitive. His competitive mood did not fail him this time either.

Well, I'll eat at least twenty then. Not a big deal!”

Mark just smiled to him.

It didn't take long for Alex to get back. He had five bags filled with burgers and fries with him. The amount of food shocked Jake, he realised that he might not get through twenty burgers. It would not do to give up, though, and thus he had to try. 

Jake here promised to eat twenty burgers. I told him the truth about it,” Mark said to Alex, winking.

You did what?! Well, I'm glad I bought us thirty burgers. We'll have to do with only five each if Jake is going for twenty.”

Consider them already eaten!” Jake said proudly, though he felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He was not even hungry as he had already had his two hot meals earlier that day.

It only took five minutes to get to Alex's flat by car. His apartment was small and messy but it also seemed homely to Jake. His own room never really felt cozy as his mother was a cleaning enthusiast and always cleaned Jake's mess before he got back to his room.

Alex laid all the hamburgers on his dining table. As the boys sat down, he piled twenty burgers in front of Jake. ”There you go! Good luck!” he said laughing.

Jake unwrapped the first burger and looked at it. It didn't look half as good as in the commercial pictures. It did smell delicious, though. He gathered his courage and took the first bite. The explosion of flavor in his mouth made him stop for a couple of seconds. He tasted the mayonaise, ketchup, cheese and meat. It was the best thing he had ever eaten. He smiled.
It was that good?” Mark laughed.

Mmh-mm,” Jake mumbled, rushing to eat more.

The five first burgers went down very easily. They were so delicious that Jake barely heard the jokes his friends made of him. After he had eaten nine burgers, he noticed that he was very full. Probably fuller than ever before, which wasn't really much as Jake had never truly pigged out before. The feeling was both uncomfortable and pleasant. ”I am half way through, I can do this!” Jake thought, though he slowed down.

Whoa man, I never thought you could eat that much!” Alex said.

Me neither. You must know that a normal person only buys one burger with fries to eat in one sitting?” Mark asked.

But you said...”

We were joking. We never ate more than one burger at a time,” Alex said, smiling. It was only then when Jake noticed that neither of his friends had even finished their first burgers.

Well, I'll prove my word true regardless. I am a man of my word,” Jake said proudly, even though his stomach had started to ache a little.

The next three burgers were still delicious. However, the thirteenth burger caused Jake serious trouble. He felt that his stomach was swollen and it was hard to move. Jake had to use all his willpower to get it down. The encouragement from Mark and Alex helped as well. After that the eating somehow got easier again and the burgers tasted delicious. That lasted until it was time to eat the last burger. By then Jake's stomach was seriously aching and he felt like he was going to pop. His t-shirt was uncomfortably tight around his belly so he stood up and took it off. Somehow it helped him to finally get through the last burger, after which he collapsed on Alex's sofa being unable to stand any longer.

You did it! Who would have known!” Alex cheered. Mark was equally astonished.

I... I've never been so full in my life,” Jake mumbled.

Mark poked Jake's swollen belly. ”It shows! Your stomach is rock hard, as usual. This time without the abs, though,” he laughed.

Jake looked down at his belly. The abs were indeed gone. Instead his gut protruded out for at least an inch and a half. He had never seen a gut on himself. After the first moments of shock Jake felt rather excited, only to become horrified again. Would his abs be gone now?

Alex poked Jake's gut too. ”That's how the fine American diet affects the inexperienced,” he laughed.

Stop it! I will never do this again,” Jake said blushing.

Little did he know. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 7

Aleksi had intended to weigh himself after Christmas, but after the embarrassing (and hot) moments during Christmas Eve, he had not dared to do it. Thus his weight remained as a mystery to him, though he knew he had gained more of it from the Christmas' treats and feasts. He knew this as he had to go up to size 38 jeans, which were quite tight on him already. His shirts were XXL and XXXL, depending on how tight a fit he wanted.  Whenever he looked in the mirror, he was always shocked of his figure. What had been an athletic, perfect body half a year ago was now a body full of fat. His man boobs were sacking and he could hold pencils under them (Tomi had tested it). He had a bulging fat roll under his man boobs, which showed every time he sitted. His belly was huge and hung over his belt covering it even when he was standing. His arms, formerly muscular, were now flabby and when he waved them, the flab wobbled. His love handles bulged over his jeans forming a hefty muffin top. His legs had gotten wider and his thighs chafed when he walked. He had a double chin and round cheeks. There was only one name to what he was: a fat slob. This fact felt more exciting than disgusting to him these days. He had lost hope in getting back to the ice hockey team for next year, though, which troubled him.

Things stayed pretty much the same in January and February. Tuomas did ask Aleksi to join him at the gym, though, which Aleksi refused. Tuomas repeat his question frequently, but Aleksi always found a way of getting out of it. He had no interest in sweating and getting exhausted, and he didn't want to see how out of shape he really was. Climbing stairs had gotten harder for him and getting to his apartment always got him sweaty and out of breath. He was still able to walk long distances, even though he always got sweaty from the slightest physical activity. He was not able to run very far anymore, and this worried him. His doctor had declared that he is healthy but he'd need to lose weight. "You can tell that you are obese just by looking at you, young man," the doctor had said.

Aleksi had talked about all this with Tomi, whom had not commented on it apart from giving him more pizza, cake, ice cream and what not. Aleksi had eaten it all, even though he had felt a little embarrassed. The food just tasted so good and he never regretted afterwards. Thus Aleksi's belly kept on growing and he had to go all the up to size 42 jeans (while his XXXL shirts got more and more form fitting) by late march. He was the fattest person in his college, that was without a doubt. Most of the others were athletes. In march Tuomas started to join Aleksi and Tomi when they were eating out to celebrate the end of the hockey season (or so he said), the result of which started to show in slightly tighter shirts and jeans. Tuomas seemed quite self-conscious about it but he never mentioned it. Aleksi had forgiven him and it seemed to be enough to keep him happy.

It was the evening of 30th of April when Tomi finally broke their usual pattern of sleeping and eating. He had just prepared a huge meal for Aleksi just like usual after his hockey training. Aleksi had just woke up from his nap, which he liked to have every day. He slept about 11 hours a day. During the school day, Tomi made sure that he had enough food to eat between lectures. This time Tomi stopped him from sitting down for the food.

"First things first. I know you haven't used these lately, but it is about the time you learn to do it again," he said smiling to Aleksi and holding a scales with both of his hands.

"Uh? Why? You know I don't want to know my weight," Aleksi resisted.

"I know, but I do. You don't have to look," Tomi said.

"It's like you're going to break up with me if I weight too much?" Aleksi said and felt his anger rising.

"Not at all, dear. I would never break up with you for such a reason. Besides, the more weight you gain, the better you look in my eyes. You always worry too much!" Tomi laughed. "Step on the scales if you want to eat this evening," he continued and put the scales on the ground.

Aleksi stepped on it reluctantly. He had been worried of seeing a glimpse of the figure, but the worry had been futile. His belly was large enough to cover the whole scales from his sight unless he crouched, which he didn't do. He looked at Tomi's face when he looked at the results. Tomi appeared surprised and excited, which worried Aleksi. The number had clearly been bigger than Tomi had expected. Tomi quickly hide his feelings with a smile.

"Now you can eat, big boy! I prepared meatballs with bolognese sauce and lots of pasta," Tomi said cheerfully.

The two of them began eating. Aleksi filled his plate with 12 big meatballs and pasta enough for three people, which seemed like a normal amount for him these days. Tomi ate nothing, as it was 9pm and he never ate anything that late. Aleksi enjoyed the meal and ate a second similar plateful. After this he felt bloated, which Tomi immediately noticed and started massaging Aleksi's belly. He had prepared brownies for dessert and Aleksi started munching on them happily. In the end he had eaten 24 meatballs, lots of pasta and 10 brownies. He had eaten more than usual and felt like he wasn't able to move. The chair creaked under his weight.

When Aleksi leaned back and undid his belt and the button on his jeans, the chair broke and he fell on the floor. Blushing, he had to ask Tomi to help him get up as he was too full to do it by himself.

"Are you all right?" Tomi asked.

"Physically... I am all right apart from this," Aleksi answered patting his huge belly.

"Good. Would you like to go to bed?" Tomi asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to."

Tomi helped Aleksi to their bedroom. Tomi had moved in with Aleksi a couple of weeks ago. As Aleksi lay down, he felt sleepy immediately.

"You remember that we'll have the awards ceremony tomorrow?" Tomi asked.

"What award ceremony?"

"The team's award ceremony, of course."

"Well, let's hope that you win all the awards!" Aleksi said with a smile. "You sure deserve them. You're a much better forward than I ever was."

Tomi laughed. "Stop it! Besides, there's one category in which there is a clear winner," Tomi said and winked. "You know you're coming too, you're still officially part of the team."

Aleksi was shocked. He hadn't seen most of his team mates in a long time and he hadn't even thought of going to the ceremony. He knew that Tomi would not let him pass it and he was frightened. What would his team say of his appearance? He surely wouldn't win anything but even meeting the couch would be very unpleasant in his new, round, shape. He fell asleep feeling Tomi's hands massaging his belly and moobs.


The next day Aleksi woke up in the smell of bacon and pancakes. Tomi had, once again, prepared a huge breakfast for him. Aleksi took a shower and went to the table. He took a pancake and some bacon. The size of the portion caught Tomi's attention.

"Is something wrong? Hurry up, we have to be at the team's office in 30 minutes!"

"I am worried... I don't want the guys to see me like this... They think that I am pathetic fatty who can't control himself," Aleksi said silently.

Tomi took his hand. "Have I not told you to stop worrying?" As Aleksi didn't look convinced, he added: "Do you not like the way you look?"

Aleksi had to think of his answer. He loved his flabby body. He liked how he had to squeeze it into his clothes and how he sometimes bumped into whatever furniture. He loved how he jiggled when he was moving and how soft he felt when he touched himself, or even more so when Tomi touched him. But on the other hand he hated how others looked at him. Most women ignored him or looked at him in disgust, even though their attention had never meant much to him. Still, losing that attention meant that they no longer admired his physique. He hated himself for caring about others' opinions so much and decided to try to start caring less about it.

"No, it is not that. I like how I look. I should just care less about what others think, but it's hard," Aleksi finally answered.

"I know. But you will learn it eventually, slowly but surely," Tomi said and smiled. "Would you like some more pancakes?"

Aleksi agreed and ended up eating 12 pancakes with maple syrup along with lots of bacon. After he had eaten, they left. Aleksi was only pleasantly full so he could walk. It took them 15 minutes to reach the team's office. They were the last ones to arrive and thus they got to sit at the back row. Aleksi's chair creaked when he sat on it. He got a few looks and noticed people exchanging whispers but most of the team didn't notice him yet.

The couch, whom was in the front of the room, glanced at him but said nothing when he started speaking. He greeted them and spoke of how well the season had gone and what would be ahead during the next season. Then he began nominating the various awards. Tomi had the award of the best player of the season, of which Aleksi congratulated him. Tuomas was the best defenseman. Eventually it was time for the last award.

"And the award for the member of the team whom has gained the most weight this year," the coach started, "would go to Jani, who put on 5 kilos (11lbs) of lean muscle mass this year." The audience cheered. "But there is one more member of the team who has not yet been weighed. That needs to be done first. Aleksi, would you come to the stage, please?"

To Aleksi's horror, the coach pointed at the scales on the stage, which Aleksi hadn't noticed. As the team turned their heads on his direction, Aleksi's face went all red as he stood up and walked to the stage.

"You sure enjoyed the free time, lad! Tell me, how many different McDonald's restaurants did you try?" the coach asked laughing. Without waiting for answer, he coninued: "Step on the scales!"

As Aleksi was about to proceed, the coach said "With your shirt off!". Aleksi's face turned deep red when he took his shirt off and revealed his flabby, bulging gut. His face wasn't red of embarrassment but rather of anger. He was angry to the coach for trying to put anyone in such a situation. He stepped on the scales.

"Oh wow! We have a new winner here. 145 kilos (320lbs)! That is a total gain of 60 kilos (132lbs)! I bet most of it isn't muscle, though. If any of it is. You sure are the fattest person that ever was in this team, though I bet you won't stay for the next season. Here is your award."

"With that attitude I am surprised anybody bothers to stay in your team! I am the fattest person who ever was in this team, and proud of it. It was not like I gained the weight unintentionally!" Aleksi rambled angrily, took the award, slapped the coach into his face as hard as he could and walked off from the building. Only then he realized that he was still shirtless and that Tomi had accompanied him. Aleksi put his shirt back on not to gather any suspicious looks. The two of them  headed for home ignoring the coach who was yelling at them that they would never again be welcome in the team.

"I am proud of you. He deserved everything you told him," Tomi said.

"Indeed he did."

"So, what do you want for lunch?"

"How about three pizzas and some burgers? This tank needs some filling," Aleksi said patting his gut, which rumbled in answer. Tomi laughed and called to the pizzeria to place an order.

The End

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 6

As the months passed, Tuomas kept avoiding Aleksi. Even when Aleksi went and rang his doorbell, he didn't open the door even though Aleksi knew he was home. Tuomas hadn't told about his conversation with Aleksi, though and thus Aleksi hadn't heard any comments about being gay or loving fat from his friends. Tuomas seemed to avoid all the hockey guys as well and was mostly to himself. The little Aleksi saw him told him that he gained even more weight for about two months, becoming truly fat, but after that he started to lose weight. Every time Aleksi saw him these days he was fitter than the last time he saw him.

As for Tomi, everything went perfectly. Tomi was a loving and caring boyfriend and Aleksi tried his best to be just as perfect for Tomi. The two of them spent almost their whole free time together watching movies, playing video games, taking walks (which was the roughest physical activity that Aleksi could do both due to his leg) and of course eating together. Tomi kept on cooking for Aleksi and despite trying to keep his portion sizes in control, he couldn't do it. The food, which Tomi cooked, was simply too delicious to resist. Tomi didn't mind it, though. Every time Aleksi said he was sorry for his piggy eating habits, Tomi just smiled and said it was sexy. Eventually Aleksi stopped feeling embarrassed by his eating, due to Tomi's encouragement.

In the beginning of September Aleksi had been at 100 kilograms (220lbs). Being 193 centimeter (6 ft 4 inches) tall, Aleksi had not really even been fat at that point, even though he himself had thought otherwise. Even after getting together with Tomi, Aleksi didn't want to gain weight but rather maintain his softness for the awesome massage experiences but he could tell that he had been unsuccessful. Before his injury he had used size 30 jeans and size L shirts but he had had to move up to size 32 and XL when he went shopping after his first school day.

Today in December Aleksi didn't know his weight. He had been too scared to measure it, afraid of having gained a massive amount of weight, which he couldn't shed in a couple of months like he had always thought he could do if he wanted to be fit again. Aleksi had abandoned all kind of physical exercise as it had become harder and harder. He had just bought new clothes and had had to move up to size 36 jeans. He needed XXL shirts, which were a bit snug already. When Aleksi looked at mirror, he could not see much muscle left. The little he had was in his arms, as a result of training with weights until he had stopped it a month ago. His gut was now massive and jiggled whatever he did. He had measured it to be 115cm (45 inches) long; quite a lot bigger compared to his 74 cm (29 inch) waistline he had had in August. He didn't know if it was bigger than in August for sure, but the mirror didn't lie. Aleksi's man boobs had also grown. They were like huge sacs of fat, bulging on his chest and showing through every shirt he had. No matter which jeans he wore, he also had a muffin top. Tomi loved squeezing Aleksi's love handles whenever he had the chance. Tomi himself was just as fit as in August and was doing well in the hockey games and training.

As much as Aleksi had hated his weight gain in the first place, he had accepted it as a part of his life during the months which had passed. He still didn't want to get bigger but he knew it was unavoidable with the amount of food he was eating. He had tried to eat less but he was just way too addicted to delicious fast food and Tomi's cooking. Thus he kept gaining more and more which amused his friends, whom were still calling him the fatty or pig seeing how he was eating. All that mattered to Aleksi was Tomi, whom seemed to love him more by every kilo he gained. Aleksi had started getting worried comments from his parents, but he didn't care.

When the Christmas holidays finally started, Aleksi had to say goodbye to Tomi, whom was leaving town to spend Christmas with his family at their summer cottage. He would spend the Christmas with his family as well. He would go to his grandparents' house on the Christmas Eve with his parents and his aunt would be there with two of his cousins; both men around his age. One of them, Aaro, was a football player with whom Aleksi had always had a great time. The other, Kimi, was a gamer, with whom Aleksi didn't usually have much to speak about. Still, Aleksi had always secretly admired Kimi as he had always been chubby, putting weight on slowly as the years went on. The last time he had seen Kimi, his cousin had been quite fat.

When the Christmas eve arrived, Aleksi had already packed his things and was about to leave for his parent's apartment but he was interrupted as the doorbell rang. It was Tuomas.

"Hey," Tuomas said. "I was probably the last person you thought would show up on your door today..."

"That you was," Aleksi said bitterly.

"I am sorry. Sorry for how I behaved and how I didn't do this before. I was a jerk," Tuomas said.

Aleksi inclined his head in response.

"May I come in?" Tuomas asked.

Aleksi stepped out of the way and let Tuomas in. He noticed that Tuomas was back to his fit self as if he never had been fat in the first place.

"I see that you're fit again," Aleksi said.

"Yeah, I got back to the hockey team," Tuomas said smiling.

"I heard of that. I'm surprised that you wanted to go back," Aleksi said.

"Well, that is why I wanted to lose the weight in the first place!" Tuomas said enthusiastically. "What about you? Have you made any plans on getting back to ice?"

"Well, not really," Aleksi admitted.

Tuomas patted Aleksi's gut. "Yeah, thought so."

An uneasy silence fell in between them.

"So, are we in peace?" Tuomas asked breaking the silence.

"Perhaps a truce for now," Aleksi said in an unfriendly tone. He hadn't forgiven Tuomas for his actions. It would take longer and more than this. "But now, I must go," he added and gestured towards the door.

Tuomas looked sad but left for the door.

"Oh and Tuomas?" Aleksi said. Tuomas turned to look at him. "I appreciate that you didn't tell about this to everyone."

Tuomas nodded. "Of course I didn't."

On his way to his parents' apartment, Aleksi thought about Tuomas and his apology. On one hand he wanted to forgive Tuomas more than anything as Tuomas had been his best friend for a long time but then on the other he felt that he could not have homophobic friends. Then, he didn't know whether it was his weight or the fact that he was together with Tomi that had scared Tuomas off. He pushed the thoughts aside when he arrived at his former home yard and saw his dad waving to him.

The trip to Aleksi's grandparents' house was long, but Aleksi was luckily able to persuade his dad to stop on a McDonald's so he didn't get hungry on the way. Even though having eaten a big mac and huge fries, he was hungry when they arrived at their destination - it was evening after all. Just when their car arrived at the grandparents' yard, Aleksi's grandmother opened the door and waved to them.

"Welcome! Welcome! I am so glad that you have come," she exclaimed.

"Of course we did, how have you been?" Aleksi's mother said.

"Fine, fine! Do come in! It is so cold here that you'll be frostbitten," granny said smiling.

As Aleksi took his coat off, his grandmother saw his new shape properly for the first time.

"Oh, my! There's certainly more of you than the last time we saw you! You must be hungry! Come on, the food is ready," she said in a happy tone.

Aleksi blushed but said nothing. His gut wobbled under the tight collar shirt he wore as he walked. When he stepped through the doorway of the dining room and his cousins saw him for the first time, they appeared astonished.

"You can close your mouths, boys" Aleksi said, smiling.

"Well, hello there big guy!" Aaro said. "Where did that come from?"

"I was injured in hockey training in August," Aleksi said.

"Ah, I see. Well, glad to see you anyways!" Aaro replied. Aleksi's aunt and his other cousin, Kimi, greeted him as well.

After that the discussion went onto things which didn't interest Aleksi and he just tuck into the food. As always, it was delicious. This time Aleksi ate much, much more than before, though. This pleased his granny, as she always made way too much food for her guests. The dinner lasted for hours. After eating five platefuls of food, Aleksi decided to stop eating as he didn't want to make a number about it. He was full, not to his full capacity, but still he felt the buttons on his collar shirt strain a bit. As he rose from the table for the presents, he felt one of the buttons pop. Aaro caught the button as it flew over the table.

"Well, I suppose I no longer wonder how you lost your abs, tubby," he said with a laughter and threw the button back to Aleksi, who caught it.

"Stop it, young man! Don't be so rude to your cousin," their grandmother said.

After that all of the family moved to the living room to open the presents. Aleksi's grandmother had, as always, knit woolen blouses for all of his grandchildren. Kimi's shirt was tight, as usual, since he never stopped piling on the pounds. Aleksi observed that he was even bigger than he himself but he estimated that he would probably catch his cousin in size by the next time he would see him. As tight as Kimi's shirt was, it was nothing like Aleksi's. Aleksi couldn't even get his shirt past his navel. He saw Aaro looking at him, amused, but nobody commented the shirt. Aleksi quickly took it off. Aleksi received clothes from other members of his family as well, but they were all small, apart from the ones he had from his parents. He also got a few dvd movies, a computer game he had wished for and lots of sweets. After exchanging presents, it was time for Aleksi's family to leave, since there was no room for sleepovers in the house.

"Good bye, cousin! Don't overdo with the eating, or you'll end up like my good brother here!" Aaro said laughing. Aleksi blushed and said his goodbyes to everybody and went to the car. He opened a box of chocolate and started munching through it.

"You know you  shouldn't  be eating that much, honey. Your cousin has a point," his mother said, worried.

Aleksi grunted and kept on munching the chocolate.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Aleksi's story - chapter 5

When Aleksi woke up the next morning, he noticed that Tomi was still there. Sleeping next to him on the couch, arms wrapped around Aleksi's belly, which still peeked out from his shirt.  At first Aleksi thought about waking him up, but then again Tomi was one of the most handsome men he had ever seen and Aleksi couldn't think of anything much better than waking up with Tomi hugging him. He didn't know how it had happened, but he didn't care.

Aleksi's stomach rumbled, even though he felt bloated from last night. This woke up Tomi.

"I fell asleep here? I'm sorry! It must have looked weird to you," Tomi said when he noticed that Aleksi was already awake. "I understand if you want me to leave," he added looking sad.

"No, it's all right. You really made me feel better last night," Aleksi said blushing. 

"I did?" Tomi asked smiling. 

"Yeah. Do you want some breakfast?"

"Sure. I can make it for you," Tomi said.

Aleksi was about to refuse, as he had already thought what he'd have, but as he didn't want to seem rude or to shock Tomi by the size of his normal breakfast, he thanked him and agreed. Aleksi went to the bathroom to get a shower. He was also desperate to get on the scales again, since he was a bit worried. He felt bloated and yet his stomach was rumbling. He figured that there could be only one way how this could be possible.

After getting the shower, Aleksi wrapped himself in a towel and didn't even bother to look at the mirror. He just quickly stepped on the scales to avoid second thoughts. The scale said he was now at 97kgs (214lbs). He was shocked. Was it possible to gain 2 kilos (5lbs) in one day? Apparently it was. Though he had eaten his massive breakfast, pizzas enough for four people and the ice cream (the exact amount of which he didn't even know). At first he was sort of excited but then, looking at his plump figure in the mirror, he felt deep regret. He was a fat pig. A couch potato with no hope of getting fit ever again. In such mood he went to the kitchen.

"Is something wrong," Tomi asked noticing Aleksi's grim face.

"Well... I don't know if I should tell about it," Aleksi mumbled.

"You can tell me, don't worry," Tomi said.

Suddenly Aleksi knew that Tomi would be a good friend of his. Tomi wouldn't abandon him due to his weight gain. In fact he seemed excited about it, just like Aleksi did before the regret stepped in.

"Well... I gained 10 kilos in a month and I gained 2 kilos since yesterday, I never ate so much during one day. Since it is my intention to get fit again, things like these depress me. The fatty eating habits are so deep in me that I'm afraid I will never get rid of it. Jani doesn't help it at all with his teasing," Aleksi ranted. "Sorry, I didn't intend to say all that," he added.

"No problem... So you hate being fat?" Tomi asked silently while frying something on the frying pan.

Aleksi decided that being honest was his best bet since the situation had already became awkward enough. "Well, I do hate it since it gives a weak image of me. But then on the other hand I always found fat guys hot. Becoming one has always fascinated me and I love it, secretly. Sometimes I deny it even from myself and I never let anybody know about it, but for example Jani's weight gain during off season felt incredibly exciting to me," Aleksi said. He was afraid that he had revealed too much. He had never told anybody of his feelings for guys as he knew what straight guys thought about gays in locker rooms.

Tomi seemed shocked.

"What's wrong?" Aleksi asked frowning. He was sure that he had told Tomi too much. After all they didn't know each other very well and perhaps Tomi was straight, or even homophobic.

"Nothing. It's just... I've felt the same way for chubby guys. I've never wanted to become one myself, but I always admired fat. And meeting a person who is just like me, in this country, in the same city, is a dream come true for me. Especially when the person is so handsome as you," Tomi said blushing.

"Oh, stop it!"

"No, it's true. You are one of the most handsome persons that I've met. If you love being fat, you should never listen to others only to make them happy. Just like with every other thing. People don't care as much as you would think, at least in most cases. Besides, getting fat in your situation is quite understandable," Tomi said.

Aleksi thought about Tomi's words. Tomi was right. He shouldn't care so much about people's opinions. But was getting fat truly what he wanted? He didn't know. He still felt both disgust and excitement about his belly. It seemed like a sign of weakness; a sign of not being able to control his own desires. But then, was it really him who thought so or was it the social pressure, which made him think that that's what his friends would think about him. Aleksi didn't know, but he decided to stick with his promise to stop putting on weight. After all, it would be so easy to gain weight but not so easy to lose it if he decided that he didn't want to be fat in the end.

Aleksi had to ask one thing from Tomi. "I'm sorry I have to ask this but I just have to know... Are you gay?"

Tomi didn't answer him. He walked next to him and kissed him to the cheek. After hesitating a little bit, Aleksi kissed him back. They smiled at each other. Then Tomi handed Aleksi a plate full of food. There was bacon, scrabled eggs, muffins, toast and a bowl of cereals which was drowning in strawberry jam. On top of that there were chocolate bars. There was food for a family of six at least. Overall it was a bigger breakfast than Aleksi had ever seen, let alone eaten.

"Oh wow, that much food. I'm still full from yesterday," Aleksi said.

"But your stomach is rumbling," Tomi laughed.

"Well, don't you see that the belly is bigger than yesterday?" Aleksi asked smiling and lifted his shirt.

"I suppose that it doesn't necessarily mean that you're still bloated," Tomi said placing his hand on Aleksi's soft gut. "I know you stepped on the scales this morning. What was the damage?"

"2 kilograms," Aleksi admitted blushing.

"Well, let's make it 2 more today, shall we?" Tomi laughed.

Aleksi wasn't so sure about that, but the food that Tomi had cooked was so delicious that he couldn't resist eating it. He ate faster and faster by every mouthful. He felt his shirt getting tighter as he got stuffed, but he didn't care. He didn't even bother to tuck his shirt down. At some point he noticed that Tomi started to rub his belly. It felt good and made him eat even more. Eventually he reached his limit and burped. He saw his gut ballooning in front of him, rock hard. He had never seen his belly as big as this and at first he was frightened, given the promise he had given him, but Tomi's smile made him forget all the regret.

"It was delicious. Thank you," Aleksi said. "I'm sorry if my eating made you think that I'm a greedy slob," he added blushinge.

"Not at all. You're doing it again; thinking about others. Let other people decide their thoughts and don't worry what they are until they tell you," Tomi laughed.

"You know... I'm not so sure if I want to get fatter at this point but I surely won't lose the belly any time soon. Not at least when eating like this," Aleksi said patting his gut, which felt like a rock, which was covered   by an inch of softness.

"That's all right. I know that a person who is unsure about his weight can't change into a gainer in a day. Nor do I expect you to ever do so. You are perfectly handsome as you are," Tomi said.

Aleksi smiled. "So are you!"

They kissed, this time properly. Aleksi felt his gut push Tomi's rock hard abdomen. Aleksi felt the weight of the food in his stomach and he had to sit down again.

"Do you want to lay down on the sofa again?" Tomi asked.

"Uh, yes I think. I feel so heavy," Aleksi mumbled. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be! It's completely normal after a huge meal," Tomi said.

"But if I fall asleep, what about school?"

"It's Saturday, silly."

"Oh... I suppose you're right," Aleksi said and threw his body to the sofa. It made a slight creaking sound. "Will you rub my belly again?"

"Don't worry, I will not leave you," Tomi said and kissed Aleksi's bloated gut.  

Aleksi fell into a food coma feeling Tomi's strong but gentle hands rub his belly. Just before falling a sleep, Aleksi thought that this was what he had always wanted.

Later that day, after Tomi had left for the ice hockey training, Aleksi's doorbell rang. Aleksi made the effort to rise from the sofa. He quickly realized that he was shirtless, as Tomi had taken his shirt off so he could rest more comfortably without tight shirts squeezing his belly and moobs. Aleksi figured that he wouldn't care; he'd do like Tomi said. He should not be ashamed of his body or care what others would think. Thus he just walked to his door and opened it. It was Tuomas.

Tuomas looked at Aleksi's face, then to his gut, then repeating the same. "Hey, man!" Tuomas said.

Aleksi smiled a knowing smile. "Hey, do come in!"

The two of them sat on Aleksi's sofa.

"So, why aren't you in the training?" Aleksi asked.

Aleksi noticed sadness in Tuomas' eyes. "I... I didn't feel like it," Tuomas mumbled. Aleksi didn't believe him.

"Come on, you can tell me," Aleksi said.

"Well... The coach... He kicked me from the team," Tuomas said.

"What? Why?" Aleksi asked, surprised.

"You know I told you that he had told me to bulk up to get more weight. It wasn't really like that. He did ask me to add more muscle mass, but he said nothing about fat. Look at me," Tuomas said lifting his shirt. This revealed a soft roll of flab, which covered his abdomen and hips. Tuomas was fairly well tanned from the summer. He was probably even bigger than Aleksi was. Aleksi had been so worried about his own weight that he hadn't noticed Tuomas' gain at all. Aleksi had to admit to himself that it looked hot.

"I'm a fatty now! 108 kilograms (238lbs) of flab right here," Tuomas said slapping his gut. "All it took was a summer full of beer and barbecues! I've tried to stop but I just can't. I like food too much," he continued and tucked his shirt back down. Aleksi could still see the bulging belly under the tight shirt.

"Well, that makes two of us, if you haven't noticed," Aleksi said smiling. He saw Tomi glancing him as his shirtless belly was slightly resting on his lap. Aleksi had started to form a muffin top, which was also visible in his tight size 32 jeans.

"No, you're just chubby. I am obese!" Tuomas yelled hysterically. "Or that's what he told me!"

"The coach? Is he actually kicking you out due to your weight?" Aleksi asked.

"Yes! I am too slow, I look more like an american football player rather than an ice hockey player, I am too obese for competitive sports. That's what he said. And he is right. All of it is true. I am slower than I used to be," Tuomas said holding his head in his hands.

"It's not that bad. The coach is dumb! It is not like you're the fattest man in the world," Aleksi protested.

"Perhaps not, but I am too fat to play in his team. And not about to get any thinner! I even ate two chocolate bars on my way here, to calm me down! That's a fourth of the calories that I should eat today, even though I've already eaten double the amount that I should!"

"So you're a calorie counter these days?" Aleksi asked, feeling a little irritated by Tuomas' girlish behavior.

"Well, if I want this to stop before it goes too far, I have to do something! I suggest the same thing for you, or what did you intend to do to get back in shape for next season? After all you gained your gut in a month while it took four months for me..."

"Actually, as you might remember, I can't really do physical activities which would involve me being on my feet. Thus I can't really go through much of a weight loss program," Aleksi said bitterly.

"Look, man, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for the injury and sorry that I brought you all the food and got you addicted just like myself! I am just worried about you... If you continue like this, you'll be huge before next season and you can't get back to the team," Tuomas said silently, almost whispering.

"I am not addicted to food! I could stop anytime!" Aleksi yelled.

"You aren't? Well prove it! Start eating the right foods in proper amounts. Together we can do it!"

"I would have done it if I had wanted it," Aleksi lied thinking of his conversations with Tomi.

"And why wouldn't you want to eat healthy if you weren't addicted to sugary sweets and fast food?"

"Well, perhaps I like this," Aleksi said patting his belly. "Like how it jiggles and how soft it feels. Perhaps I want to keep it or even grow it," Aleksi continued. This time he wasn't lying but he was a bit shocked to reveal this to Tuomas.

"What? Are you out of your mind?! What about hockey? What about women? Nobody likes being fat!" Tuomas yelled in shock.

"Apparently some people do. As for hockey, time will tell, but perhaps I just don't care about it that much," Aleksi said. He was actually worried about hockey as well, but he wouldn't admit that to Tuomas.

"What made you think like this?! A few weeks ago you were worrying about your weight gain to me!"

"Not what but who. A certain someone ensured me that I should not care so much about what people think. He loves me the way I am," Aleksi said patiently, regretting his words immediately. He had said too much.

"Oh, so that's the case. He loves you the way you are. I think that I should leave," Tuomas said. His shirt rode up as he rose from the sofa and he tucked it back down angrily. Then he left the apartment closing the door loudly.

Aleksi was sad. He has lost his best friend and now Tuomas could tell anybody about his weird fascination on fat and that he was gay. He went to bed with two tubs of ice cream.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 4

Aleksi's alarm clock rang. It was 7 am and time for him to wake up for the first day in college. He got up a little tired as he had spent a long time trying on the clothes the day before. He limped to his kitchen and made his usual breakfast: half a packet of cereals with a lot of strawberry jam and whole milk (which was cheaper than normal milk, or so Tuomas told him), four slices of toast with ham, lots of butter and cheese and of course some chocolate bars. The breakfast made him feel bloated and warm.

After eating Aleksi brushed his teeth and used some hair spray to get his hair looking good. He still had handsome face, or so he thought, since his new found chubbiness hadn't affected it at all. It was still angular, and he didn't see a sign of a double chin, of which he was very happy. Then his hand landed on his soft pec and he frowned. His frown deepened even more when he touched his belly. He had to figure out a way to get it in control, and he knew that the huge breakfast didn't help him at all. It had just become a habit. Yes, he now had fatty food habit and he knew that it would be hard to break it.

Acknowledging his small but jiggling belly, Aleksi got back to his bedroom to get his clothes on. He was shocked to find out that they fit him worse than last night. He figured that the breakfast had bloated his belly even more and thus his t-shirt kept riding up from time to time when he wasn't careful. His jeans fit him as well (or as poorly) as yesterday so he stuck with his plan. The jeans were light blue with a brown belt. The t-shirt was white with some blueish writing on it. He grabbed his bag and took the elevator downstairs, where Tuomas was already waiting for him. Tuomas would give him ride to the school, which was about five kilometers away. Aleksi couldn't imagine limping to school, it would have taken him hours.

When Tuomas and Aleksi arrived to the students' parking lot, they immediately noticed some members of their ice hockey team. The whole team wouldn't be studying in the same college, but they still spotted about ten of their friends laughing at some joke near the front door. Aleksi was surprisingly nervous. He hadn't seen anybody else but Tuomas and his family since he was injured. Thus they didn't know that he was now chubbier than ever. Seeing Tuomas' seat belt tuck into his soft mid-section, Aleksi realized that Tuomas had gained weight as well. But it seemed that Tuomas had gained muscle mass as well, since his biceps were almost too big for his small shirt. Then again Tuomas had shared most of meals with Aleksi and he had been training on the gym on a daily basis, so neither of the changes shouldn't have been surprising. Aleksi had just been too focused at himself to notice it. He felt a little bit guilty as he realized this.

When Tuomas and Aleksi walked towards their team mates, Aleksi couldn't help but notice the glances that he got both from people he knew and strangers. Then he noticed that his shirt had ridden up to his navel, revealing his soft lower belly. He blushed and tucked the shirt down. He noticed Tuomas smiling at the situation. Aleksi frowned and hoped that he wouldn't face the same situation again that day.

Aleksi noticed all his team mates staring at him when they noticed him coming.

"Long time no see, Aleksi! What's up?" asked Jani, the formerly chubby defenseman. Aleksi noticed that he had shed a lot of the weight already.

"Hey. I'm all right, no more crutches," Aleksi said and smiled.

"I see life has been good on you," Jani said and patted Aleksi's belly. "You really softened up man!" he said laughing. He was quoting Aleksi from the time when they first met after the off season.

Aleksi faked a laugh. "I suppose so!"

The conversation moved on to how the team had been doing. Aleksi hadn't asked anything from Tuomas, since he had wanted to just forget about ice hockey so he wouldn't fall in despair for not being able to play. He heard that the team had been doing fine. Especially the new forward, who replaced Aleksi had been playing exceptionally well. This annoyed Aleksi. He heard that the new guy would also study in the same college with the same major that Aleksi had. Aleksi hated the guy already. He also noticed that his friends started playfully calling him tubs, tubby and chubs. He hated it, even though he knew they did it to everybody who gained weight during off season. It was just that now Aleksi didn't know whether the weight would stay with him or whether he could lose it during the winter. He was determined not to gain any more, at least.

Soon Aleksi noticed that it was time for the first welcoming lecture to begin and thus they left for the great lecture hall. Listening to the tutors, professors, the principal and other people speaking took hours and hours.  Lunch time came, but determined to lose weight, Aleksi decided to skip it entirely. His friends wondered this decision a bit, since the food at the cafeteria was healthy and cheap. Unlike in many other countries, Finnish college cafeterias happen to offer healthy food.

After the lunch break Aleksi stumbled upon the new player of his hockey team, even though he had planned on avoiding it. He looked fit, perhaps on the same level where Aleksi was a month ago. He had blond hair, a little bit longer than Aleksi's. His blue eyes sparkled and his face was very handsome. Aleksi instantly liked him, which on the other hand made him hate the guy even more.

"Hey, my name is Tomi," the guy said.

"I am Aleksi," Aleksi replied a little bit reluctantly.

"So you were in the hockey team?" Tomi said.

"Yeah, I was."

"I am sorry for your injury. I can't imagine what I would have done if I wasn't able to play ice hockey," Tomi said looking truly sorry.

"Well, I suppose I'll figure something out," Aleksi started. Then, not really thinking of his words, he added: "At least something else than eating." He patted his belly for a good measure.

Aleksi noticed something moving in Tomi's shorts. He was getting excited! This surprised Aleksi, who had already started regretting his words. Now he was just puzzled.

"Oh...? Why would you... No, I mean... You look good, what are you talking about?" Tomi said. His face was getting redder by every word.

"Well, I was 10 kilos lighter a month ago," Aleksi added blushing.

This caused another sign of excitement in Tomi's shorts. "Well... That's... understandable, when you can't move and you're used to an athlete's diet. Excuse me, but I have to go," he said and rushed towards the front door. Aleksi was left there, standing and wondering what just happened. Was Tomi excited about his weight gain?

After the incident with Tomi, Aleksi had to listen to more welcoming speeches. After a couple of hours the lectures were over and he met up with his team mates again.

"We agreed on going to eat pizza together, wanna join us chubs?" Jani asked playfully.

"Well, I don't know... I planned on eating home," Aleksi said.

"Oh, come on! We haven't seen in a long time. Besides, you love pizza, at least according to this thing," Jani said patting Aleksi's gut which was again visible as his shirt had ridden up. "My god! I can't believe how soft you got! It must be at least five centimeters (2 inches) of flab in there!"

Hearing this made Aleksi even more reluctant to join his friends, but he was starving so he just accepted the offer after Jani told him that he wouldn't have to pay the pizza himself. Thus, joined by four of his friends, he walked to Tuomas' car. The car wasn't big so Aleksi had to squeeze to the back seat with two others. Jani sat next to him. As all his friends were quite board due to their intensive hockey training, it was quite hard to fit them all in the car. Aleksi felt pressure in his love handles as Jani's hip touched it. He felt Jani patting his love handle.

"So you have side fat too these days. That's cute," Jani said with a laugh. Aleksi thought that Jani really wanted to pay back all the teasing, which Aleksi had done in early august, but Aleksi kept his thoughts to himself.

After squeezing out from the car at the pizzeria, Jani went in and made the order after asking everybody what they wanted. After that the guys chose a table and started waiting for the pizza. As Aleksi was starving, the smell of pizza was mouthwatering. Aleksi was glad that there were none other customers in the pizzeria, which meant that they would get their food fast. It only took about 15 minutes for the food to arrive. Aleksi noticed four normal pizzas and one family-sized one and wondered who had ordered such a massive pizza.

"The meat special?" the waitress asked.

"That would be for me," Aleksi said. He was handed the family-sized pizza.

Aleksi waited for the waitress to hand over the rest of the pizzas before whispering to Jani: "I didn't order a family-sized pizza!"

"Oh, I thought you must be hungry! A gut like that needs a serious amount of food to be filled," Jani said and grabbed Aleksi's belly roll with his hand squeezing it a little.

Aleksi was about to tell Jani to stop talking about his new found fat all the time, but in the end he was so hungry that he didn't care. He shrugged and tuck in to his pizza. It was delicious. For the first 10 minutes he listened to little of what his friends were speaking. After the worst of his hunger was gone, he realized that his friends were talking about ice hockey and praising Tomi's actions in the latest practice match. Irritated, Aleksi increased his eating speed.

Just when Aleksi was almost done with the pizza, Tomi entered the pizzeria. Aleksi heard him ordering a Greek salad. Jani waved at Tomi, calling him to sit with them in the table. Aleksi noticed Tomi's eyes widen a little bit when he noticed the small slice of pizza on Aleksi's huge plate, which filled a third of the table. Aleksi quickly finished the last bit of the pizza while others were talking about ice hockey. He didn't have much to add to the conversation as he hadn't seen the matches.

"You know, after the lunch I can't finish the pizza," Jani said with half of a pizza on his plate. "But hey, I'm sure you can eat it," he said to Aleksi, smiling. Aleksi was just about to refuse when Jani dropped the pizza on his plate. He also got a third of pizza and two thirds of a pizza from the rest of his friends. Tuomas was the only one to finish his pizza. Now he looked at Aleksi, worried. Aleksi noticed Tomi looking at him.

Truthfully speaking Aleksi hadn't quite filled his stomach with his pizza (which shocked him) and thus he tuck into his friends' leftovers. Aleksi did notice that his belly was already bloated from his own pizza, but he didn't care. Eating the leftovers had become a challenge; failing in which would result in him looking poor in the others' eyes. They had had eating contests before and Aleksi recognized the feeling. Eating all the pizzas would make him feel more manly. As his belly kept swelling, his shirt rode up. He tried to tuck it down, but his belly had gotten too big for the already tight shirt. Aleksi also had to loosen his belt, noticing that he was using the last notch of his belt. He didn't care and took 15 more minutes to finish all of the food. After that he had to undo his belt completely, revealing the button of his pants which he hadn't been able to button. He noticed that all his friends were watching him in silence.

"Wow, man, you really finished all that?" Jani asked silently. "I guess we all know how you got this then," he continued and poked Aleksi's swollen belly. Aleksi burped.

After receiving similar comments from the rest of the group, and constant staring from Tomi, the guys left the pizzeria. Three of them, including Jani, went home by foot as they lived close by. Tuomas offered a ride for Tomi, who actually lived in the same apartment building with Aleksi. Aleksi's belly was aching and he could barely walk as he felt so heavy. Aleksi asked Tuomas to join him for a few matches of NHL 2013 on Xbox, but Tuomas refused saying that he had to help his sister whom was moving to a new apartment. Surprisingly Tomi said that he'd be glad to play a few matches.

After waddling to the first floor with Tomi, Aleksi said that he'd need to take the elevator as he lived on fourth floor. He was too full to climb the stairs and he said he needed to lay down. Tomi nodded. Aleksi noticed something moving in Tomi's shorts again.

When they got in Aleksi's apartment, Aleksi slowly walked to the living room and lay down on the sofa. He was sleepy, and he had to apologize Tomi since he couldn't play just then. He suggested that they'd wait a bit for the food to digest in his swollen belly. Tomi agreed and asked whether Aleksi wanted him to help. He said that he had been in eating competitions before and knew that ice cream would help Aleksi to feel better. He also made an offer to rub Aleksi's gut.

"Oh, you don't have to," Aleksi said embarrassed.

"It wouldn't be a problem," Tomi said sounding excited.

Aleksi agreed, though he felt embarrassed from his pigging out in front of a new friend.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this... I feel like a pig," he said.

"No, you look great!" Tomi said smiling and started rubbing Aleksi's gut and feeding him ice cream.

Aleksi frowned thinking whether Tomi was being sarcastic or not, but he ate the tub of ice cream regardless. After eating, he fell asleep feeling Tomi's strong hands rubbing his belly gently. It felt amazing and he wished it would never stop.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 3

The next time when Aleksi woke up, he was in hospital. He could tell that it was night as there was a window next to his bed. The nights never got very dark during summer in Finland so he could see perfectly fine without lights on. He noticed one of his books next to him, some flowers and a get well card from his parents and ice hockey team. He lift the blanket which was covering him and saw that there were bandages around his knee. He didn't dare to take them off but he wanted to know what had happened.

Just when Aleksi was about to ring the bell to call a nurse, a doctor came into the room and put the lights on.

"Oh, we are awake here, aren't we? How do you feel?" the doctor asked smiling. She was in her forties. Aleksi noticed her perfume which reminded him of lavenders.

"I feel just fine apart from my legs feeling numb," Aleksi answered. "But I want to know what happened."

"I am afraid that you fell on your knee when your team mate tackled you. This bent your knee enough that it dislocated and you broke your patella. You have to use crutches definitely won't be playing ice hockey during this season. You have to focus on your healing," the doctor said. She looked like feeling sorry. "You can go home tomorrow morning.

"And how long... How long have I been here?"

"Only two days."

Aleksi was speechless. He couldn't have imagined that the injury was that bad. He heard the doctor saying something and leaving, but all he could think of was what he would do now that he couldn't play ice hockey in so long time. He fell asleep for an unknown period of time and saw dreams of himself getting back on ice stronger than ever.

When Aleksi woke up, his parents were in his room.

"Good morning, son!" his father said smiling.

"Good morning," Aleksi said.

Aleksi dressed up, which was rather hard when he couldn't stand up. He did manage to get shorts past his knee without too much trouble, though. A nurse gave Aleksi his crutches. He attempted to walk a step without them, hopeful that the doctors were overly concerned about him, but he had to admit that he could not walk like that. Thus he took the crutches and started walking.

The walk was very painful. After 10 minutes, which felt like hours, he finally got to his dad's car. His mom was talking about getting him back home but Aleksi refused. He didn't want to study from home as he was already annoyed by his mother's caring behavior. He knew that living alone could be hard with his crutches, but he knew that if somebody helped him with grocery shopping, he could do it. He didn't mention this need for help to his parents though. He agreed to stay at his parent's house until dinner, though, as he had no food in his apartment at the moment.

In the end Aleksi was glad that he stayed. His mother overdid herself making delicious mushroom soup with some garlic bread for lunch. For dinner she made meatballs, tomato sauce and spaghetti. Aleksi ate two platefuls of the food feeling very hungry after unconscious for two days. He heard that they had given him liquid food but this hadn't taken care of his hunger. After dinner his dad took him to his apartment and Aleksi spent the rest of the evening playing Xbox and eating chocolate and sweets that Tuomas had brought to him to the hospital.

The next morning Aleksi was eating breakfast, leftovers from yesterdays dinner that his mother had given him, when the doorbell rang. It was Tuomas.

"Hey man, I heard you got home and thought that I should visit you," Tuomas said. "I am very sorry for what happened, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just got too excited about the game."

"It's all right. I know you meant no harm." Aleksi said. "Come in!"

The two of them sat on Aleksi's sofa.

"So how it will be until you can play again?"

"I can't play during the whole season. I'll have to use crutches for now, but most likely it will only be from one to two months."

Tomas looked shocked. "Oh, I am sorry again... What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know!"

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well, I need some help with grocery shopping. The store is about half a kilometer away, but I can't carry anything with the crutches. I neither want to ask my parents to do it for me. They'd just make me go back home and study from there."

"Well, it's the least I can do! I'll buy your groceries every week as long as you need it," Tuomas promised.

"We'd need to do that today. But first I need to finish my breakfast and then we should play some Assasin's Creed!"

Tuomas agreed with him and thus Aleksi finished his massive breakfast while Tuomas watched, being rather amused. Aleksi explained him that he hadn't eaten in two days so he needed to get the lost mass back. Regardless, he felt bloated after eating.

After playing Xbox for a good couple of hours, the boys headed for the grocery store. It took them almost half an hour to get there, since they had to stop on the way many times due to Aleksi's knee pains.

"I think you should hand me a list of things you want me to buy the next time, or as long as your knee gets better. You shouldn't put too much pressure on it," Tuomas said frowning. Aleksi agreed.

In the end Aleksi's knee was aching so much that he had Tuomas to just pick whatever for him as long as it was edible. He figured that he should rest a bit to get ready for the journey back home. After all he had to wait almost an hour. He wondered how could Tuomas take so long. He had thought that the shopping would take only about 15 minutes. When Tuomas got back to him, Aleksi noticed that Tuomas had bought food for  at least four people.

"Man, that is way too much food for me!"

"Oh, don't worry. I paid for it myself," Tuomas said smiling. "You told me you were hungry after blacking out for two days."

"But how are we going to carry all this to my place?"

"If you were any slower, I could get all the goods from this shop to your place before you arrived," Tuomas said chuckling.

Aleksi frowned and they began their way back to Aleksi's place.

During the week Aleksi noticed that he had way too much time. He wouldn't have to start in college before September and that was three weeks away. His days were filled with gaming, eating and sleeping as he couldn't leave his apartment. Aleksi realized that he had never eaten so much in his life, as the food that Tuomas bought him (which was mainly sweets, pizzas, burgers and other treats) ran out in only four days. Tuomas brought him more of the same stuff, again paying it all. Aleksi figured he was feeling guilty about the accident, even though he had forgiven Tuomas four times in as many days.

The rest of the month went in pretty much the same fashion. Aleksi's knee kept getting better and by the end of the month he no longer needed his crutches, which surprised both him and his doctor. His knee was still sore, though, and he was not allowed to run or to walk for long distances. Aleksi was happy about his knee, but due to his lack of exercise and the constant feasts that Tuomas provided him, he had gained weight. He had talked about it to Tuomas, whom had just laughed and said that it is nothing to worry about and that Aleksi could burn the extra kilos off once he would be able to walk again. Thus Aleksi had not pushed Tuomas more as he was grateful that somebody did his grocery shopping for him and even paid for it.

It was the night before Aleksi's first day at college. He was trying to figure out what clothes to wear the next day. He was in his boxers looking at his picture in his bedroom's mirror. He didn't like what he saw at all. His best feature was now his arms. They were muscly as he had kept lifting weights as it was the only exercise he could do without his legs. His legs had lost some of their definition, but they weren't that bad. His problem area was his torso. He now had a chubby belly, which spilled over the waistband of his boxers a little. His pecs had softened and he wasn't sure whether to call them pecs or man boobs. He had spent a month in sweatpants, usually shirtless and thus he had had no idea how big a problem clothes would be for him. All his  favorite t-shirts were so tight that they couldn't cover his belly, revealing a part of it no matter which pants he wore. None of his jeans fit him, as his ass had gotten chunkier as well. He couldn't even get the jeans past his ass. He also found out that he had gone up three belt holes, which shocked him. In the end he found a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, which he had used a year ago at the end of his off-season, that fit him quite well. He couldn't button the jeans, but they got past his ass and he was able to hide the button with a belt.

Aleksi figured that he had to weigh himself. He had been pushing the moment too long, ever since he had lost his abs less than a week after his injury. He walked into his bathroom and stepped on the scales.

"95 kilograms (209lbs)?!" he exclaimed. "I can't have gained 10 kilograms  (22lbs) in a month?!"

Aleksi slapped his belly and looked as it wobbled. He was disgusted, but as with the chubby boys in the locker room, he felt thrilled as well. To get out of shape so fast was hot. He went to bed in mixed feelings.