Thursday, June 20, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 7

Aleksi had intended to weigh himself after Christmas, but after the embarrassing (and hot) moments during Christmas Eve, he had not dared to do it. Thus his weight remained as a mystery to him, though he knew he had gained more of it from the Christmas' treats and feasts. He knew this as he had to go up to size 38 jeans, which were quite tight on him already. His shirts were XXL and XXXL, depending on how tight a fit he wanted.  Whenever he looked in the mirror, he was always shocked of his figure. What had been an athletic, perfect body half a year ago was now a body full of fat. His man boobs were sacking and he could hold pencils under them (Tomi had tested it). He had a bulging fat roll under his man boobs, which showed every time he sitted. His belly was huge and hung over his belt covering it even when he was standing. His arms, formerly muscular, were now flabby and when he waved them, the flab wobbled. His love handles bulged over his jeans forming a hefty muffin top. His legs had gotten wider and his thighs chafed when he walked. He had a double chin and round cheeks. There was only one name to what he was: a fat slob. This fact felt more exciting than disgusting to him these days. He had lost hope in getting back to the ice hockey team for next year, though, which troubled him.

Things stayed pretty much the same in January and February. Tuomas did ask Aleksi to join him at the gym, though, which Aleksi refused. Tuomas repeat his question frequently, but Aleksi always found a way of getting out of it. He had no interest in sweating and getting exhausted, and he didn't want to see how out of shape he really was. Climbing stairs had gotten harder for him and getting to his apartment always got him sweaty and out of breath. He was still able to walk long distances, even though he always got sweaty from the slightest physical activity. He was not able to run very far anymore, and this worried him. His doctor had declared that he is healthy but he'd need to lose weight. "You can tell that you are obese just by looking at you, young man," the doctor had said.

Aleksi had talked about all this with Tomi, whom had not commented on it apart from giving him more pizza, cake, ice cream and what not. Aleksi had eaten it all, even though he had felt a little embarrassed. The food just tasted so good and he never regretted afterwards. Thus Aleksi's belly kept on growing and he had to go all the up to size 42 jeans (while his XXXL shirts got more and more form fitting) by late march. He was the fattest person in his college, that was without a doubt. Most of the others were athletes. In march Tuomas started to join Aleksi and Tomi when they were eating out to celebrate the end of the hockey season (or so he said), the result of which started to show in slightly tighter shirts and jeans. Tuomas seemed quite self-conscious about it but he never mentioned it. Aleksi had forgiven him and it seemed to be enough to keep him happy.

It was the evening of 30th of April when Tomi finally broke their usual pattern of sleeping and eating. He had just prepared a huge meal for Aleksi just like usual after his hockey training. Aleksi had just woke up from his nap, which he liked to have every day. He slept about 11 hours a day. During the school day, Tomi made sure that he had enough food to eat between lectures. This time Tomi stopped him from sitting down for the food.

"First things first. I know you haven't used these lately, but it is about the time you learn to do it again," he said smiling to Aleksi and holding a scales with both of his hands.

"Uh? Why? You know I don't want to know my weight," Aleksi resisted.

"I know, but I do. You don't have to look," Tomi said.

"It's like you're going to break up with me if I weight too much?" Aleksi said and felt his anger rising.

"Not at all, dear. I would never break up with you for such a reason. Besides, the more weight you gain, the better you look in my eyes. You always worry too much!" Tomi laughed. "Step on the scales if you want to eat this evening," he continued and put the scales on the ground.

Aleksi stepped on it reluctantly. He had been worried of seeing a glimpse of the figure, but the worry had been futile. His belly was large enough to cover the whole scales from his sight unless he crouched, which he didn't do. He looked at Tomi's face when he looked at the results. Tomi appeared surprised and excited, which worried Aleksi. The number had clearly been bigger than Tomi had expected. Tomi quickly hide his feelings with a smile.

"Now you can eat, big boy! I prepared meatballs with bolognese sauce and lots of pasta," Tomi said cheerfully.

The two of them began eating. Aleksi filled his plate with 12 big meatballs and pasta enough for three people, which seemed like a normal amount for him these days. Tomi ate nothing, as it was 9pm and he never ate anything that late. Aleksi enjoyed the meal and ate a second similar plateful. After this he felt bloated, which Tomi immediately noticed and started massaging Aleksi's belly. He had prepared brownies for dessert and Aleksi started munching on them happily. In the end he had eaten 24 meatballs, lots of pasta and 10 brownies. He had eaten more than usual and felt like he wasn't able to move. The chair creaked under his weight.

When Aleksi leaned back and undid his belt and the button on his jeans, the chair broke and he fell on the floor. Blushing, he had to ask Tomi to help him get up as he was too full to do it by himself.

"Are you all right?" Tomi asked.

"Physically... I am all right apart from this," Aleksi answered patting his huge belly.

"Good. Would you like to go to bed?" Tomi asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to."

Tomi helped Aleksi to their bedroom. Tomi had moved in with Aleksi a couple of weeks ago. As Aleksi lay down, he felt sleepy immediately.

"You remember that we'll have the awards ceremony tomorrow?" Tomi asked.

"What award ceremony?"

"The team's award ceremony, of course."

"Well, let's hope that you win all the awards!" Aleksi said with a smile. "You sure deserve them. You're a much better forward than I ever was."

Tomi laughed. "Stop it! Besides, there's one category in which there is a clear winner," Tomi said and winked. "You know you're coming too, you're still officially part of the team."

Aleksi was shocked. He hadn't seen most of his team mates in a long time and he hadn't even thought of going to the ceremony. He knew that Tomi would not let him pass it and he was frightened. What would his team say of his appearance? He surely wouldn't win anything but even meeting the couch would be very unpleasant in his new, round, shape. He fell asleep feeling Tomi's hands massaging his belly and moobs.


The next day Aleksi woke up in the smell of bacon and pancakes. Tomi had, once again, prepared a huge breakfast for him. Aleksi took a shower and went to the table. He took a pancake and some bacon. The size of the portion caught Tomi's attention.

"Is something wrong? Hurry up, we have to be at the team's office in 30 minutes!"

"I am worried... I don't want the guys to see me like this... They think that I am pathetic fatty who can't control himself," Aleksi said silently.

Tomi took his hand. "Have I not told you to stop worrying?" As Aleksi didn't look convinced, he added: "Do you not like the way you look?"

Aleksi had to think of his answer. He loved his flabby body. He liked how he had to squeeze it into his clothes and how he sometimes bumped into whatever furniture. He loved how he jiggled when he was moving and how soft he felt when he touched himself, or even more so when Tomi touched him. But on the other hand he hated how others looked at him. Most women ignored him or looked at him in disgust, even though their attention had never meant much to him. Still, losing that attention meant that they no longer admired his physique. He hated himself for caring about others' opinions so much and decided to try to start caring less about it.

"No, it is not that. I like how I look. I should just care less about what others think, but it's hard," Aleksi finally answered.

"I know. But you will learn it eventually, slowly but surely," Tomi said and smiled. "Would you like some more pancakes?"

Aleksi agreed and ended up eating 12 pancakes with maple syrup along with lots of bacon. After he had eaten, they left. Aleksi was only pleasantly full so he could walk. It took them 15 minutes to reach the team's office. They were the last ones to arrive and thus they got to sit at the back row. Aleksi's chair creaked when he sat on it. He got a few looks and noticed people exchanging whispers but most of the team didn't notice him yet.

The couch, whom was in the front of the room, glanced at him but said nothing when he started speaking. He greeted them and spoke of how well the season had gone and what would be ahead during the next season. Then he began nominating the various awards. Tomi had the award of the best player of the season, of which Aleksi congratulated him. Tuomas was the best defenseman. Eventually it was time for the last award.

"And the award for the member of the team whom has gained the most weight this year," the coach started, "would go to Jani, who put on 5 kilos (11lbs) of lean muscle mass this year." The audience cheered. "But there is one more member of the team who has not yet been weighed. That needs to be done first. Aleksi, would you come to the stage, please?"

To Aleksi's horror, the coach pointed at the scales on the stage, which Aleksi hadn't noticed. As the team turned their heads on his direction, Aleksi's face went all red as he stood up and walked to the stage.

"You sure enjoyed the free time, lad! Tell me, how many different McDonald's restaurants did you try?" the coach asked laughing. Without waiting for answer, he coninued: "Step on the scales!"

As Aleksi was about to proceed, the coach said "With your shirt off!". Aleksi's face turned deep red when he took his shirt off and revealed his flabby, bulging gut. His face wasn't red of embarrassment but rather of anger. He was angry to the coach for trying to put anyone in such a situation. He stepped on the scales.

"Oh wow! We have a new winner here. 145 kilos (320lbs)! That is a total gain of 60 kilos (132lbs)! I bet most of it isn't muscle, though. If any of it is. You sure are the fattest person that ever was in this team, though I bet you won't stay for the next season. Here is your award."

"With that attitude I am surprised anybody bothers to stay in your team! I am the fattest person who ever was in this team, and proud of it. It was not like I gained the weight unintentionally!" Aleksi rambled angrily, took the award, slapped the coach into his face as hard as he could and walked off from the building. Only then he realized that he was still shirtless and that Tomi had accompanied him. Aleksi put his shirt back on not to gather any suspicious looks. The two of them  headed for home ignoring the coach who was yelling at them that they would never again be welcome in the team.

"I am proud of you. He deserved everything you told him," Tomi said.

"Indeed he did."

"So, what do you want for lunch?"

"How about three pizzas and some burgers? This tank needs some filling," Aleksi said patting his gut, which rumbled in answer. Tomi laughed and called to the pizzeria to place an order.

The End

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