Sunday, June 16, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 6

As the months passed, Tuomas kept avoiding Aleksi. Even when Aleksi went and rang his doorbell, he didn't open the door even though Aleksi knew he was home. Tuomas hadn't told about his conversation with Aleksi, though and thus Aleksi hadn't heard any comments about being gay or loving fat from his friends. Tuomas seemed to avoid all the hockey guys as well and was mostly to himself. The little Aleksi saw him told him that he gained even more weight for about two months, becoming truly fat, but after that he started to lose weight. Every time Aleksi saw him these days he was fitter than the last time he saw him.

As for Tomi, everything went perfectly. Tomi was a loving and caring boyfriend and Aleksi tried his best to be just as perfect for Tomi. The two of them spent almost their whole free time together watching movies, playing video games, taking walks (which was the roughest physical activity that Aleksi could do both due to his leg) and of course eating together. Tomi kept on cooking for Aleksi and despite trying to keep his portion sizes in control, he couldn't do it. The food, which Tomi cooked, was simply too delicious to resist. Tomi didn't mind it, though. Every time Aleksi said he was sorry for his piggy eating habits, Tomi just smiled and said it was sexy. Eventually Aleksi stopped feeling embarrassed by his eating, due to Tomi's encouragement.

In the beginning of September Aleksi had been at 100 kilograms (220lbs). Being 193 centimeter (6 ft 4 inches) tall, Aleksi had not really even been fat at that point, even though he himself had thought otherwise. Even after getting together with Tomi, Aleksi didn't want to gain weight but rather maintain his softness for the awesome massage experiences but he could tell that he had been unsuccessful. Before his injury he had used size 30 jeans and size L shirts but he had had to move up to size 32 and XL when he went shopping after his first school day.

Today in December Aleksi didn't know his weight. He had been too scared to measure it, afraid of having gained a massive amount of weight, which he couldn't shed in a couple of months like he had always thought he could do if he wanted to be fit again. Aleksi had abandoned all kind of physical exercise as it had become harder and harder. He had just bought new clothes and had had to move up to size 36 jeans. He needed XXL shirts, which were a bit snug already. When Aleksi looked at mirror, he could not see much muscle left. The little he had was in his arms, as a result of training with weights until he had stopped it a month ago. His gut was now massive and jiggled whatever he did. He had measured it to be 115cm (45 inches) long; quite a lot bigger compared to his 74 cm (29 inch) waistline he had had in August. He didn't know if it was bigger than in August for sure, but the mirror didn't lie. Aleksi's man boobs had also grown. They were like huge sacs of fat, bulging on his chest and showing through every shirt he had. No matter which jeans he wore, he also had a muffin top. Tomi loved squeezing Aleksi's love handles whenever he had the chance. Tomi himself was just as fit as in August and was doing well in the hockey games and training.

As much as Aleksi had hated his weight gain in the first place, he had accepted it as a part of his life during the months which had passed. He still didn't want to get bigger but he knew it was unavoidable with the amount of food he was eating. He had tried to eat less but he was just way too addicted to delicious fast food and Tomi's cooking. Thus he kept gaining more and more which amused his friends, whom were still calling him the fatty or pig seeing how he was eating. All that mattered to Aleksi was Tomi, whom seemed to love him more by every kilo he gained. Aleksi had started getting worried comments from his parents, but he didn't care.

When the Christmas holidays finally started, Aleksi had to say goodbye to Tomi, whom was leaving town to spend Christmas with his family at their summer cottage. He would spend the Christmas with his family as well. He would go to his grandparents' house on the Christmas Eve with his parents and his aunt would be there with two of his cousins; both men around his age. One of them, Aaro, was a football player with whom Aleksi had always had a great time. The other, Kimi, was a gamer, with whom Aleksi didn't usually have much to speak about. Still, Aleksi had always secretly admired Kimi as he had always been chubby, putting weight on slowly as the years went on. The last time he had seen Kimi, his cousin had been quite fat.

When the Christmas eve arrived, Aleksi had already packed his things and was about to leave for his parent's apartment but he was interrupted as the doorbell rang. It was Tuomas.

"Hey," Tuomas said. "I was probably the last person you thought would show up on your door today..."

"That you was," Aleksi said bitterly.

"I am sorry. Sorry for how I behaved and how I didn't do this before. I was a jerk," Tuomas said.

Aleksi inclined his head in response.

"May I come in?" Tuomas asked.

Aleksi stepped out of the way and let Tuomas in. He noticed that Tuomas was back to his fit self as if he never had been fat in the first place.

"I see that you're fit again," Aleksi said.

"Yeah, I got back to the hockey team," Tuomas said smiling.

"I heard of that. I'm surprised that you wanted to go back," Aleksi said.

"Well, that is why I wanted to lose the weight in the first place!" Tuomas said enthusiastically. "What about you? Have you made any plans on getting back to ice?"

"Well, not really," Aleksi admitted.

Tuomas patted Aleksi's gut. "Yeah, thought so."

An uneasy silence fell in between them.

"So, are we in peace?" Tuomas asked breaking the silence.

"Perhaps a truce for now," Aleksi said in an unfriendly tone. He hadn't forgiven Tuomas for his actions. It would take longer and more than this. "But now, I must go," he added and gestured towards the door.

Tuomas looked sad but left for the door.

"Oh and Tuomas?" Aleksi said. Tuomas turned to look at him. "I appreciate that you didn't tell about this to everyone."

Tuomas nodded. "Of course I didn't."

On his way to his parents' apartment, Aleksi thought about Tuomas and his apology. On one hand he wanted to forgive Tuomas more than anything as Tuomas had been his best friend for a long time but then on the other he felt that he could not have homophobic friends. Then, he didn't know whether it was his weight or the fact that he was together with Tomi that had scared Tuomas off. He pushed the thoughts aside when he arrived at his former home yard and saw his dad waving to him.

The trip to Aleksi's grandparents' house was long, but Aleksi was luckily able to persuade his dad to stop on a McDonald's so he didn't get hungry on the way. Even though having eaten a big mac and huge fries, he was hungry when they arrived at their destination - it was evening after all. Just when their car arrived at the grandparents' yard, Aleksi's grandmother opened the door and waved to them.

"Welcome! Welcome! I am so glad that you have come," she exclaimed.

"Of course we did, how have you been?" Aleksi's mother said.

"Fine, fine! Do come in! It is so cold here that you'll be frostbitten," granny said smiling.

As Aleksi took his coat off, his grandmother saw his new shape properly for the first time.

"Oh, my! There's certainly more of you than the last time we saw you! You must be hungry! Come on, the food is ready," she said in a happy tone.

Aleksi blushed but said nothing. His gut wobbled under the tight collar shirt he wore as he walked. When he stepped through the doorway of the dining room and his cousins saw him for the first time, they appeared astonished.

"You can close your mouths, boys" Aleksi said, smiling.

"Well, hello there big guy!" Aaro said. "Where did that come from?"

"I was injured in hockey training in August," Aleksi said.

"Ah, I see. Well, glad to see you anyways!" Aaro replied. Aleksi's aunt and his other cousin, Kimi, greeted him as well.

After that the discussion went onto things which didn't interest Aleksi and he just tuck into the food. As always, it was delicious. This time Aleksi ate much, much more than before, though. This pleased his granny, as she always made way too much food for her guests. The dinner lasted for hours. After eating five platefuls of food, Aleksi decided to stop eating as he didn't want to make a number about it. He was full, not to his full capacity, but still he felt the buttons on his collar shirt strain a bit. As he rose from the table for the presents, he felt one of the buttons pop. Aaro caught the button as it flew over the table.

"Well, I suppose I no longer wonder how you lost your abs, tubby," he said with a laughter and threw the button back to Aleksi, who caught it.

"Stop it, young man! Don't be so rude to your cousin," their grandmother said.

After that all of the family moved to the living room to open the presents. Aleksi's grandmother had, as always, knit woolen blouses for all of his grandchildren. Kimi's shirt was tight, as usual, since he never stopped piling on the pounds. Aleksi observed that he was even bigger than he himself but he estimated that he would probably catch his cousin in size by the next time he would see him. As tight as Kimi's shirt was, it was nothing like Aleksi's. Aleksi couldn't even get his shirt past his navel. He saw Aaro looking at him, amused, but nobody commented the shirt. Aleksi quickly took it off. Aleksi received clothes from other members of his family as well, but they were all small, apart from the ones he had from his parents. He also got a few dvd movies, a computer game he had wished for and lots of sweets. After exchanging presents, it was time for Aleksi's family to leave, since there was no room for sleepovers in the house.

"Good bye, cousin! Don't overdo with the eating, or you'll end up like my good brother here!" Aaro said laughing. Aleksi blushed and said his goodbyes to everybody and went to the car. He opened a box of chocolate and started munching through it.

"You know you  shouldn't  be eating that much, honey. Your cousin has a point," his mother said, worried.

Aleksi grunted and kept on munching the chocolate.

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