Friday, June 7, 2013

Aleksi's story - Chapter 4

Aleksi's alarm clock rang. It was 7 am and time for him to wake up for the first day in college. He got up a little tired as he had spent a long time trying on the clothes the day before. He limped to his kitchen and made his usual breakfast: half a packet of cereals with a lot of strawberry jam and whole milk (which was cheaper than normal milk, or so Tuomas told him), four slices of toast with ham, lots of butter and cheese and of course some chocolate bars. The breakfast made him feel bloated and warm.

After eating Aleksi brushed his teeth and used some hair spray to get his hair looking good. He still had handsome face, or so he thought, since his new found chubbiness hadn't affected it at all. It was still angular, and he didn't see a sign of a double chin, of which he was very happy. Then his hand landed on his soft pec and he frowned. His frown deepened even more when he touched his belly. He had to figure out a way to get it in control, and he knew that the huge breakfast didn't help him at all. It had just become a habit. Yes, he now had fatty food habit and he knew that it would be hard to break it.

Acknowledging his small but jiggling belly, Aleksi got back to his bedroom to get his clothes on. He was shocked to find out that they fit him worse than last night. He figured that the breakfast had bloated his belly even more and thus his t-shirt kept riding up from time to time when he wasn't careful. His jeans fit him as well (or as poorly) as yesterday so he stuck with his plan. The jeans were light blue with a brown belt. The t-shirt was white with some blueish writing on it. He grabbed his bag and took the elevator downstairs, where Tuomas was already waiting for him. Tuomas would give him ride to the school, which was about five kilometers away. Aleksi couldn't imagine limping to school, it would have taken him hours.

When Tuomas and Aleksi arrived to the students' parking lot, they immediately noticed some members of their ice hockey team. The whole team wouldn't be studying in the same college, but they still spotted about ten of their friends laughing at some joke near the front door. Aleksi was surprisingly nervous. He hadn't seen anybody else but Tuomas and his family since he was injured. Thus they didn't know that he was now chubbier than ever. Seeing Tuomas' seat belt tuck into his soft mid-section, Aleksi realized that Tuomas had gained weight as well. But it seemed that Tuomas had gained muscle mass as well, since his biceps were almost too big for his small shirt. Then again Tuomas had shared most of meals with Aleksi and he had been training on the gym on a daily basis, so neither of the changes shouldn't have been surprising. Aleksi had just been too focused at himself to notice it. He felt a little bit guilty as he realized this.

When Tuomas and Aleksi walked towards their team mates, Aleksi couldn't help but notice the glances that he got both from people he knew and strangers. Then he noticed that his shirt had ridden up to his navel, revealing his soft lower belly. He blushed and tucked the shirt down. He noticed Tuomas smiling at the situation. Aleksi frowned and hoped that he wouldn't face the same situation again that day.

Aleksi noticed all his team mates staring at him when they noticed him coming.

"Long time no see, Aleksi! What's up?" asked Jani, the formerly chubby defenseman. Aleksi noticed that he had shed a lot of the weight already.

"Hey. I'm all right, no more crutches," Aleksi said and smiled.

"I see life has been good on you," Jani said and patted Aleksi's belly. "You really softened up man!" he said laughing. He was quoting Aleksi from the time when they first met after the off season.

Aleksi faked a laugh. "I suppose so!"

The conversation moved on to how the team had been doing. Aleksi hadn't asked anything from Tuomas, since he had wanted to just forget about ice hockey so he wouldn't fall in despair for not being able to play. He heard that the team had been doing fine. Especially the new forward, who replaced Aleksi had been playing exceptionally well. This annoyed Aleksi. He heard that the new guy would also study in the same college with the same major that Aleksi had. Aleksi hated the guy already. He also noticed that his friends started playfully calling him tubs, tubby and chubs. He hated it, even though he knew they did it to everybody who gained weight during off season. It was just that now Aleksi didn't know whether the weight would stay with him or whether he could lose it during the winter. He was determined not to gain any more, at least.

Soon Aleksi noticed that it was time for the first welcoming lecture to begin and thus they left for the great lecture hall. Listening to the tutors, professors, the principal and other people speaking took hours and hours.  Lunch time came, but determined to lose weight, Aleksi decided to skip it entirely. His friends wondered this decision a bit, since the food at the cafeteria was healthy and cheap. Unlike in many other countries, Finnish college cafeterias happen to offer healthy food.

After the lunch break Aleksi stumbled upon the new player of his hockey team, even though he had planned on avoiding it. He looked fit, perhaps on the same level where Aleksi was a month ago. He had blond hair, a little bit longer than Aleksi's. His blue eyes sparkled and his face was very handsome. Aleksi instantly liked him, which on the other hand made him hate the guy even more.

"Hey, my name is Tomi," the guy said.

"I am Aleksi," Aleksi replied a little bit reluctantly.

"So you were in the hockey team?" Tomi said.

"Yeah, I was."

"I am sorry for your injury. I can't imagine what I would have done if I wasn't able to play ice hockey," Tomi said looking truly sorry.

"Well, I suppose I'll figure something out," Aleksi started. Then, not really thinking of his words, he added: "At least something else than eating." He patted his belly for a good measure.

Aleksi noticed something moving in Tomi's shorts. He was getting excited! This surprised Aleksi, who had already started regretting his words. Now he was just puzzled.

"Oh...? Why would you... No, I mean... You look good, what are you talking about?" Tomi said. His face was getting redder by every word.

"Well, I was 10 kilos lighter a month ago," Aleksi added blushing.

This caused another sign of excitement in Tomi's shorts. "Well... That's... understandable, when you can't move and you're used to an athlete's diet. Excuse me, but I have to go," he said and rushed towards the front door. Aleksi was left there, standing and wondering what just happened. Was Tomi excited about his weight gain?

After the incident with Tomi, Aleksi had to listen to more welcoming speeches. After a couple of hours the lectures were over and he met up with his team mates again.

"We agreed on going to eat pizza together, wanna join us chubs?" Jani asked playfully.

"Well, I don't know... I planned on eating home," Aleksi said.

"Oh, come on! We haven't seen in a long time. Besides, you love pizza, at least according to this thing," Jani said patting Aleksi's gut which was again visible as his shirt had ridden up. "My god! I can't believe how soft you got! It must be at least five centimeters (2 inches) of flab in there!"

Hearing this made Aleksi even more reluctant to join his friends, but he was starving so he just accepted the offer after Jani told him that he wouldn't have to pay the pizza himself. Thus, joined by four of his friends, he walked to Tuomas' car. The car wasn't big so Aleksi had to squeeze to the back seat with two others. Jani sat next to him. As all his friends were quite board due to their intensive hockey training, it was quite hard to fit them all in the car. Aleksi felt pressure in his love handles as Jani's hip touched it. He felt Jani patting his love handle.

"So you have side fat too these days. That's cute," Jani said with a laugh. Aleksi thought that Jani really wanted to pay back all the teasing, which Aleksi had done in early august, but Aleksi kept his thoughts to himself.

After squeezing out from the car at the pizzeria, Jani went in and made the order after asking everybody what they wanted. After that the guys chose a table and started waiting for the pizza. As Aleksi was starving, the smell of pizza was mouthwatering. Aleksi was glad that there were none other customers in the pizzeria, which meant that they would get their food fast. It only took about 15 minutes for the food to arrive. Aleksi noticed four normal pizzas and one family-sized one and wondered who had ordered such a massive pizza.

"The meat special?" the waitress asked.

"That would be for me," Aleksi said. He was handed the family-sized pizza.

Aleksi waited for the waitress to hand over the rest of the pizzas before whispering to Jani: "I didn't order a family-sized pizza!"

"Oh, I thought you must be hungry! A gut like that needs a serious amount of food to be filled," Jani said and grabbed Aleksi's belly roll with his hand squeezing it a little.

Aleksi was about to tell Jani to stop talking about his new found fat all the time, but in the end he was so hungry that he didn't care. He shrugged and tuck in to his pizza. It was delicious. For the first 10 minutes he listened to little of what his friends were speaking. After the worst of his hunger was gone, he realized that his friends were talking about ice hockey and praising Tomi's actions in the latest practice match. Irritated, Aleksi increased his eating speed.

Just when Aleksi was almost done with the pizza, Tomi entered the pizzeria. Aleksi heard him ordering a Greek salad. Jani waved at Tomi, calling him to sit with them in the table. Aleksi noticed Tomi's eyes widen a little bit when he noticed the small slice of pizza on Aleksi's huge plate, which filled a third of the table. Aleksi quickly finished the last bit of the pizza while others were talking about ice hockey. He didn't have much to add to the conversation as he hadn't seen the matches.

"You know, after the lunch I can't finish the pizza," Jani said with half of a pizza on his plate. "But hey, I'm sure you can eat it," he said to Aleksi, smiling. Aleksi was just about to refuse when Jani dropped the pizza on his plate. He also got a third of pizza and two thirds of a pizza from the rest of his friends. Tuomas was the only one to finish his pizza. Now he looked at Aleksi, worried. Aleksi noticed Tomi looking at him.

Truthfully speaking Aleksi hadn't quite filled his stomach with his pizza (which shocked him) and thus he tuck into his friends' leftovers. Aleksi did notice that his belly was already bloated from his own pizza, but he didn't care. Eating the leftovers had become a challenge; failing in which would result in him looking poor in the others' eyes. They had had eating contests before and Aleksi recognized the feeling. Eating all the pizzas would make him feel more manly. As his belly kept swelling, his shirt rode up. He tried to tuck it down, but his belly had gotten too big for the already tight shirt. Aleksi also had to loosen his belt, noticing that he was using the last notch of his belt. He didn't care and took 15 more minutes to finish all of the food. After that he had to undo his belt completely, revealing the button of his pants which he hadn't been able to button. He noticed that all his friends were watching him in silence.

"Wow, man, you really finished all that?" Jani asked silently. "I guess we all know how you got this then," he continued and poked Aleksi's swollen belly. Aleksi burped.

After receiving similar comments from the rest of the group, and constant staring from Tomi, the guys left the pizzeria. Three of them, including Jani, went home by foot as they lived close by. Tuomas offered a ride for Tomi, who actually lived in the same apartment building with Aleksi. Aleksi's belly was aching and he could barely walk as he felt so heavy. Aleksi asked Tuomas to join him for a few matches of NHL 2013 on Xbox, but Tuomas refused saying that he had to help his sister whom was moving to a new apartment. Surprisingly Tomi said that he'd be glad to play a few matches.

After waddling to the first floor with Tomi, Aleksi said that he'd need to take the elevator as he lived on fourth floor. He was too full to climb the stairs and he said he needed to lay down. Tomi nodded. Aleksi noticed something moving in Tomi's shorts again.

When they got in Aleksi's apartment, Aleksi slowly walked to the living room and lay down on the sofa. He was sleepy, and he had to apologize Tomi since he couldn't play just then. He suggested that they'd wait a bit for the food to digest in his swollen belly. Tomi agreed and asked whether Aleksi wanted him to help. He said that he had been in eating competitions before and knew that ice cream would help Aleksi to feel better. He also made an offer to rub Aleksi's gut.

"Oh, you don't have to," Aleksi said embarrassed.

"It wouldn't be a problem," Tomi said sounding excited.

Aleksi agreed, though he felt embarrassed from his pigging out in front of a new friend.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this... I feel like a pig," he said.

"No, you look great!" Tomi said smiling and started rubbing Aleksi's gut and feeding him ice cream.

Aleksi frowned thinking whether Tomi was being sarcastic or not, but he ate the tub of ice cream regardless. After eating, he fell asleep feeling Tomi's strong hands rubbing his belly gently. It felt amazing and he wished it would never stop.

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