Sunday, June 9, 2013

Aleksi's story - chapter 5

When Aleksi woke up the next morning, he noticed that Tomi was still there. Sleeping next to him on the couch, arms wrapped around Aleksi's belly, which still peeked out from his shirt.  At first Aleksi thought about waking him up, but then again Tomi was one of the most handsome men he had ever seen and Aleksi couldn't think of anything much better than waking up with Tomi hugging him. He didn't know how it had happened, but he didn't care.

Aleksi's stomach rumbled, even though he felt bloated from last night. This woke up Tomi.

"I fell asleep here? I'm sorry! It must have looked weird to you," Tomi said when he noticed that Aleksi was already awake. "I understand if you want me to leave," he added looking sad.

"No, it's all right. You really made me feel better last night," Aleksi said blushing. 

"I did?" Tomi asked smiling. 

"Yeah. Do you want some breakfast?"

"Sure. I can make it for you," Tomi said.

Aleksi was about to refuse, as he had already thought what he'd have, but as he didn't want to seem rude or to shock Tomi by the size of his normal breakfast, he thanked him and agreed. Aleksi went to the bathroom to get a shower. He was also desperate to get on the scales again, since he was a bit worried. He felt bloated and yet his stomach was rumbling. He figured that there could be only one way how this could be possible.

After getting the shower, Aleksi wrapped himself in a towel and didn't even bother to look at the mirror. He just quickly stepped on the scales to avoid second thoughts. The scale said he was now at 97kgs (214lbs). He was shocked. Was it possible to gain 2 kilos (5lbs) in one day? Apparently it was. Though he had eaten his massive breakfast, pizzas enough for four people and the ice cream (the exact amount of which he didn't even know). At first he was sort of excited but then, looking at his plump figure in the mirror, he felt deep regret. He was a fat pig. A couch potato with no hope of getting fit ever again. In such mood he went to the kitchen.

"Is something wrong," Tomi asked noticing Aleksi's grim face.

"Well... I don't know if I should tell about it," Aleksi mumbled.

"You can tell me, don't worry," Tomi said.

Suddenly Aleksi knew that Tomi would be a good friend of his. Tomi wouldn't abandon him due to his weight gain. In fact he seemed excited about it, just like Aleksi did before the regret stepped in.

"Well... I gained 10 kilos in a month and I gained 2 kilos since yesterday, I never ate so much during one day. Since it is my intention to get fit again, things like these depress me. The fatty eating habits are so deep in me that I'm afraid I will never get rid of it. Jani doesn't help it at all with his teasing," Aleksi ranted. "Sorry, I didn't intend to say all that," he added.

"No problem... So you hate being fat?" Tomi asked silently while frying something on the frying pan.

Aleksi decided that being honest was his best bet since the situation had already became awkward enough. "Well, I do hate it since it gives a weak image of me. But then on the other hand I always found fat guys hot. Becoming one has always fascinated me and I love it, secretly. Sometimes I deny it even from myself and I never let anybody know about it, but for example Jani's weight gain during off season felt incredibly exciting to me," Aleksi said. He was afraid that he had revealed too much. He had never told anybody of his feelings for guys as he knew what straight guys thought about gays in locker rooms.

Tomi seemed shocked.

"What's wrong?" Aleksi asked frowning. He was sure that he had told Tomi too much. After all they didn't know each other very well and perhaps Tomi was straight, or even homophobic.

"Nothing. It's just... I've felt the same way for chubby guys. I've never wanted to become one myself, but I always admired fat. And meeting a person who is just like me, in this country, in the same city, is a dream come true for me. Especially when the person is so handsome as you," Tomi said blushing.

"Oh, stop it!"

"No, it's true. You are one of the most handsome persons that I've met. If you love being fat, you should never listen to others only to make them happy. Just like with every other thing. People don't care as much as you would think, at least in most cases. Besides, getting fat in your situation is quite understandable," Tomi said.

Aleksi thought about Tomi's words. Tomi was right. He shouldn't care so much about people's opinions. But was getting fat truly what he wanted? He didn't know. He still felt both disgust and excitement about his belly. It seemed like a sign of weakness; a sign of not being able to control his own desires. But then, was it really him who thought so or was it the social pressure, which made him think that that's what his friends would think about him. Aleksi didn't know, but he decided to stick with his promise to stop putting on weight. After all, it would be so easy to gain weight but not so easy to lose it if he decided that he didn't want to be fat in the end.

Aleksi had to ask one thing from Tomi. "I'm sorry I have to ask this but I just have to know... Are you gay?"

Tomi didn't answer him. He walked next to him and kissed him to the cheek. After hesitating a little bit, Aleksi kissed him back. They smiled at each other. Then Tomi handed Aleksi a plate full of food. There was bacon, scrabled eggs, muffins, toast and a bowl of cereals which was drowning in strawberry jam. On top of that there were chocolate bars. There was food for a family of six at least. Overall it was a bigger breakfast than Aleksi had ever seen, let alone eaten.

"Oh wow, that much food. I'm still full from yesterday," Aleksi said.

"But your stomach is rumbling," Tomi laughed.

"Well, don't you see that the belly is bigger than yesterday?" Aleksi asked smiling and lifted his shirt.

"I suppose that it doesn't necessarily mean that you're still bloated," Tomi said placing his hand on Aleksi's soft gut. "I know you stepped on the scales this morning. What was the damage?"

"2 kilograms," Aleksi admitted blushing.

"Well, let's make it 2 more today, shall we?" Tomi laughed.

Aleksi wasn't so sure about that, but the food that Tomi had cooked was so delicious that he couldn't resist eating it. He ate faster and faster by every mouthful. He felt his shirt getting tighter as he got stuffed, but he didn't care. He didn't even bother to tuck his shirt down. At some point he noticed that Tomi started to rub his belly. It felt good and made him eat even more. Eventually he reached his limit and burped. He saw his gut ballooning in front of him, rock hard. He had never seen his belly as big as this and at first he was frightened, given the promise he had given him, but Tomi's smile made him forget all the regret.

"It was delicious. Thank you," Aleksi said. "I'm sorry if my eating made you think that I'm a greedy slob," he added blushinge.

"Not at all. You're doing it again; thinking about others. Let other people decide their thoughts and don't worry what they are until they tell you," Tomi laughed.

"You know... I'm not so sure if I want to get fatter at this point but I surely won't lose the belly any time soon. Not at least when eating like this," Aleksi said patting his gut, which felt like a rock, which was covered   by an inch of softness.

"That's all right. I know that a person who is unsure about his weight can't change into a gainer in a day. Nor do I expect you to ever do so. You are perfectly handsome as you are," Tomi said.

Aleksi smiled. "So are you!"

They kissed, this time properly. Aleksi felt his gut push Tomi's rock hard abdomen. Aleksi felt the weight of the food in his stomach and he had to sit down again.

"Do you want to lay down on the sofa again?" Tomi asked.

"Uh, yes I think. I feel so heavy," Aleksi mumbled. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be! It's completely normal after a huge meal," Tomi said.

"But if I fall asleep, what about school?"

"It's Saturday, silly."

"Oh... I suppose you're right," Aleksi said and threw his body to the sofa. It made a slight creaking sound. "Will you rub my belly again?"

"Don't worry, I will not leave you," Tomi said and kissed Aleksi's bloated gut.  

Aleksi fell into a food coma feeling Tomi's strong but gentle hands rub his belly. Just before falling a sleep, Aleksi thought that this was what he had always wanted.

Later that day, after Tomi had left for the ice hockey training, Aleksi's doorbell rang. Aleksi made the effort to rise from the sofa. He quickly realized that he was shirtless, as Tomi had taken his shirt off so he could rest more comfortably without tight shirts squeezing his belly and moobs. Aleksi figured that he wouldn't care; he'd do like Tomi said. He should not be ashamed of his body or care what others would think. Thus he just walked to his door and opened it. It was Tuomas.

Tuomas looked at Aleksi's face, then to his gut, then repeating the same. "Hey, man!" Tuomas said.

Aleksi smiled a knowing smile. "Hey, do come in!"

The two of them sat on Aleksi's sofa.

"So, why aren't you in the training?" Aleksi asked.

Aleksi noticed sadness in Tuomas' eyes. "I... I didn't feel like it," Tuomas mumbled. Aleksi didn't believe him.

"Come on, you can tell me," Aleksi said.

"Well... The coach... He kicked me from the team," Tuomas said.

"What? Why?" Aleksi asked, surprised.

"You know I told you that he had told me to bulk up to get more weight. It wasn't really like that. He did ask me to add more muscle mass, but he said nothing about fat. Look at me," Tuomas said lifting his shirt. This revealed a soft roll of flab, which covered his abdomen and hips. Tuomas was fairly well tanned from the summer. He was probably even bigger than Aleksi was. Aleksi had been so worried about his own weight that he hadn't noticed Tuomas' gain at all. Aleksi had to admit to himself that it looked hot.

"I'm a fatty now! 108 kilograms (238lbs) of flab right here," Tuomas said slapping his gut. "All it took was a summer full of beer and barbecues! I've tried to stop but I just can't. I like food too much," he continued and tucked his shirt back down. Aleksi could still see the bulging belly under the tight shirt.

"Well, that makes two of us, if you haven't noticed," Aleksi said smiling. He saw Tomi glancing him as his shirtless belly was slightly resting on his lap. Aleksi had started to form a muffin top, which was also visible in his tight size 32 jeans.

"No, you're just chubby. I am obese!" Tuomas yelled hysterically. "Or that's what he told me!"

"The coach? Is he actually kicking you out due to your weight?" Aleksi asked.

"Yes! I am too slow, I look more like an american football player rather than an ice hockey player, I am too obese for competitive sports. That's what he said. And he is right. All of it is true. I am slower than I used to be," Tuomas said holding his head in his hands.

"It's not that bad. The coach is dumb! It is not like you're the fattest man in the world," Aleksi protested.

"Perhaps not, but I am too fat to play in his team. And not about to get any thinner! I even ate two chocolate bars on my way here, to calm me down! That's a fourth of the calories that I should eat today, even though I've already eaten double the amount that I should!"

"So you're a calorie counter these days?" Aleksi asked, feeling a little irritated by Tuomas' girlish behavior.

"Well, if I want this to stop before it goes too far, I have to do something! I suggest the same thing for you, or what did you intend to do to get back in shape for next season? After all you gained your gut in a month while it took four months for me..."

"Actually, as you might remember, I can't really do physical activities which would involve me being on my feet. Thus I can't really go through much of a weight loss program," Aleksi said bitterly.

"Look, man, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for the injury and sorry that I brought you all the food and got you addicted just like myself! I am just worried about you... If you continue like this, you'll be huge before next season and you can't get back to the team," Tuomas said silently, almost whispering.

"I am not addicted to food! I could stop anytime!" Aleksi yelled.

"You aren't? Well prove it! Start eating the right foods in proper amounts. Together we can do it!"

"I would have done it if I had wanted it," Aleksi lied thinking of his conversations with Tomi.

"And why wouldn't you want to eat healthy if you weren't addicted to sugary sweets and fast food?"

"Well, perhaps I like this," Aleksi said patting his belly. "Like how it jiggles and how soft it feels. Perhaps I want to keep it or even grow it," Aleksi continued. This time he wasn't lying but he was a bit shocked to reveal this to Tuomas.

"What? Are you out of your mind?! What about hockey? What about women? Nobody likes being fat!" Tuomas yelled in shock.

"Apparently some people do. As for hockey, time will tell, but perhaps I just don't care about it that much," Aleksi said. He was actually worried about hockey as well, but he wouldn't admit that to Tuomas.

"What made you think like this?! A few weeks ago you were worrying about your weight gain to me!"

"Not what but who. A certain someone ensured me that I should not care so much about what people think. He loves me the way I am," Aleksi said patiently, regretting his words immediately. He had said too much.

"Oh, so that's the case. He loves you the way you are. I think that I should leave," Tuomas said. His shirt rode up as he rose from the sofa and he tucked it back down angrily. Then he left the apartment closing the door loudly.

Aleksi was sad. He has lost his best friend and now Tuomas could tell anybody about his weird fascination on fat and that he was gay. He went to bed with two tubs of ice cream.

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