Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jake's story - Chapter Two

Chapter 2

Jake's alarm clock rang irritably when he woke up on a cold September morning. He had been living in Finland for about one and half months now. In August it had still been warm enough for his liking but the weather had kept getting colder and colder. Now the temperatures were below anything he had ever experienced before: his family had always visited Finland during the summer.

The coldness and lack of light didn't exactly help to cheer up Jake's mood. The sun didn't rise until a few hours after he woke up and it went down before he got away from school. If it wasn't dark, it was raining. The cold raindrops from the grey sky made Jake feel down. The fact that he couldn't surf didn't make it any better.

Jake was also quite busy with school work. He had to build models and design different kinds of projects and there was a deadline for something at least once per week. Jake did enjoy the projects, though, but the best thing about starting college was definitely the fact that he could move away from home. His parents had bought themselves a very nice detached house from Espoo but Jake had announced that he'd rather live in a dorm and get a roommate. He very much enjoyed the new freedom, the messy surroundings and being able to eat whenever and whatever he liked. It also worked out well with the studies, as he often had to work during nights if a deadline was drawing close. For now he hadn't got a roommate, but he knew that it wouldn't be long until somebody moved in. The demand for dorm rooms was great and Jake lived only about five hundred meters from his school.

Jake often thought about the last day he had spent in America. He could rarely chat with Mark and Alex due to the vast time difference. He missed them but he also knew that they were doing fine. Jake was also going to see the guys in October during the one-week-holiday he had from his school. He had forgotten some of things in California and he had to get them himself from his room, as his parents hadn't sold the house. He couldn't wait to get to surf again as well.

Speaking of sports, Jake hadn't found any suitable one in Finland. The nearest swimming pool was miles away and he didn't really enjoy jogging in the awful Finnish weather. His school had a gym, but Jake had only worked out there a couple of times. There simply wasn't time for it as there was lots of school work to be done. Besides, there were plenty of parties for students to go into and Jake enjoyed to go to them with his new friends. He had started to enjoy drinking beer a little bit too much for his liking, as he knew how calorific and bad for his body it was. He had neither forgotten about the burgers. There was a McDonald's very near to his flat and he had visited it more than once per week. He had not bought more than one burger at a time, though, but he'd found his new favorite: the bic mac. Often Jake would skip breakfast due to being in a hurry, eat at the school's cafeteria and then grab a bic mac with fries on his way home. He knew it probably wasn't healthy but he had good genes and would not gain weight, or so he told himself.

Nowadays Jake felt bloated all the time. He figured that it was the increase in his carbohydrate intake that caused it. After the day of eating twenty burgers he had been swollen and unable to eat pretty much anything for a couple of days. It was hardly a surprise: he had checked that those twenty burgers were worth 6000 calories, almost three days worth of eating. After those couple of days, his six pack had showed up again, though it wasn't as defined as it had been before that. It had been a month since Jake had last seen his six pack but then he was eating lots of carbohydrates. 

The bloat didn't even go away in the mornings, which concerned him a little. He had noticed some of his tightest clothes getting a little uncomfortable as well, so he had switched to wearing his warmer, looser clothes. Jake figured to reduce his eating at least until his trip back to California so that his beach body would be perfect like it was when he left.

After a couple weeks of eating less and doing some exercising with weights, Jake still didn't see his six pack. When he stepped on the scales, he had only gained a pound, which should not have been enough to cover his abs. Yet, when he touched his belly, he felt a soft, about an inch deep pillow over his ”rock-hard” abs. There was only one way to settle the matter for good. If the scales didn't tell him the truth and his measuring tape was one of the things he had forgotten to his room in California, the only thing he could do is to try on his summer clothes that he hadn't been wearing since August.

Jake went to his closet and picked his favorite surfing shorts that he had worn on the day before he moved into Finland. Back in then the shorts had fit loosely. Jake hesitated to try them on for a moment, fearing what he might find out. Regardless of his fears, he tried the shorts on. It went well until the shorts reached his ass. He had to struggle to get them past it. The shorts were skin-tight. He could still wear them, but his weight gain was undeniable. Jake was surprised that he was excited rather than horrified. Somehow the new found flab that hung slightly over the waistband of the tight shorts was exciting. He took off the shirts and tried on some size 30 jeans. They took even more struggle to get on and Jake almost gave up trying to button them. In the end after tensing his abs, or sucking in his new gut, he managed to get the jeans buttoned. After that he tried on a size S collar shirt. The buttons were straining from trying to contain his belly and after he stretched, the shirt rode up revealing his lower belly.

Jake sat down to admire the sight, feeling excited. The softness of the flab on his belly felt like nothing he had ever touched before. He had always been lean and now he had probably even passed Mark in the amount of belly fat. It was that thought that killed his excitement. He was no longer physically better than his two best friends. He squeezed his belly feeling ashamed. It was then when Jake heard somebody fitting keys in the door of his apartment. Jake paniced, but had no time to change to his more comfortable clothes before a man entered the apartment.

The man was Jake's classmate, a new friend of Jake's. His name was Juho. He had a few suitcases with him and an astonished expression on his face.

”Uh... Hey there!” Juho said in Finnish. Jake wasn't fluent in Finnish, but he could understand it.

”Hey,” Jake said blushing. He pulled his shirt down but it did little good to hide his flab as it poked out between the buttons of the shirt.

Juho was probably the last person whom Jake wanted to witness the sight. He had a little crush on Juho, whom was tall and very handsome with his blue eyes and blonde hair. Juho was muscular but he also had a little belly to go along with the muscles. He always said he was on a bulking season, but Jake had seen no sign of the so called bulking season ending. Jake didn't know if Juho was gay, but he admired both Juho's appearance and his personality.

”I... Was just trying on some clothes,” Jake said awkwardly.

”Shrunk in the wash, it seems,” Juho said winking.

”Yeah. I washed them in a too hot temperature.” It would have been the perfect excuse if the shirt wasn't white. It would never stay that white after a hot bath with blue jeans.

Juho smiled in answer, put down his suitcases and walked to Jake. He poked Jake's soft flesh as the shirt had ridden up again. It was the hottest moment Jake had ever experienced so far. Yet it was awkward.

”Yeah. Definitely wrong temperature,” Juho laughed.

Jake blushed again. ”I'll go change my clothes.” Just before he left he noticed a bump in Juho's pants.

Jake quickly changed back to his better fitting clothes and got back to Juho, who was unpacking his suitcases.

”So, you'll be my new flatmate?” Jake asked.

”Yeah, I suppose so. Such a coincidence, right?”


Jake helped Juho to unpack. After the packing Juho went to get two pizzas from his car. They were both family sized.

”I thought we could celebrate a little!” he said cheerfully.

”I think I shouldn't...” Jake started.

”Stop it right there! I know what you're thinking and it's not like one pizza would hurt you. If I were you, I'd forget that collar shirt, though,” Juho said. Jake blushed... again. He did take the pizza, though. It was still warm and smelled delicious.

”I've never eaten a family sized pizza before. This thing is huge! Normal ones wouldn't have sufficed?” Juho just laughed and winked in answer.

The time flew by as the two of them chatted. Jake always enjoyed a chat with Juho and the same seemed to be true the other way around. Even though Jake had eaten a cheeseburger and a normal lunch at the school cafeteria, he was half way through his pizza before he even noticed. At this point Juho had already stopped eating. Jake pondered whether he should stop eating too. He wasn't exactly full but he didn't want to look like a greedy pig in front of his friend and crush.

”Eat away, you can have mine too if you like,” Juho said

”I probably shouldn't. I've already eaten way too much today,” Jake said putting his hand on his belly.

”But it's such a waste to throw so much food away. How about this: I try to manage eat one quarter of my pizza and you will eat yours and the rest?” Juho suggested.

Suddenly Jake felt bad. After all Juho had bought the food and pizzas weren't exactly free if you had a student's monthly incomes.

”Well, all right. How could I say no to free pizza?” Jake said smiling. Juho smiled back to him.

Jake got back to eating his pizza. He was quite shocked that he could eat the whole of his own pizza before feeling stuffed. It was the third of Juho's pizza which caused him the trouble. Juho watched Jake eagerly, looking forward to seeing him finish the pizza. Jake sighed and ate the rest of the huge portion bite by bite. Each bite was more difficult to swallow than the one before.

”Uhh... I've never been so full in my life,” Jake moaned. Luckily he had his loosest t-shirt on as he felt that his gut was absolutely massive.

Jake tried to get up but it turned out that his gut was too heavy for him to walk. Juho got up to help him to get to the sofa. Jake mumbled him a thank you.

”I didn't know you had it in you to eat that much!” Juho said sounding surprised.

”Me neither... Oh god it hurts,” Jake moaned.

”I'm sorry I made you eat so much.”

”It's allright. It was me who ate it in the end,” Jake said silently. He decided to lift his shirt to reveal his gut. It has swollen so much that Jake looked almost obese. ”Look at this! When I moved here I had abs and all...”

”I've noticed, man. Don't worry, nobody will judge you. Is there anything I can do to help?”

”With what?”

”The pain. I could massage you, if you don't think that's too weird an idea,” Juho said blushing.

”Well, if you're all right with it. I'm the gay here, I guess...”

Juho laughed awkwardly. ”Right.”

Jake had not had many massages in his life, but he could tell that Juho was very good at it. It didn't take long for the pain to decrease. Jake felt sleepy and it didn't take long until he fell asleep.  

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