Saturday, September 29, 2012

Toni's story - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The alarm clock rang and Toni woke up. The first thing he noticed was that he was not in his bed. Then he noticed that he was shirtless, still wearing the same jeans as yesterday, and Riku was next to him. Riku’s hand was resting on Toni’s belly. It was the next day after Toni had decided to start gaining weight and apparently the two of them had fallen asleep on the sofa, perhaps due to being stuffed to the maximum.

Toni still felt that he was full from yesterday’s pigging out. Riku had prepared a supper for them and even though Toni had been full from the dinner, he had managed to eat lots of food after Riku gave him a very pleasant belly massage. Toni got up and shut the television, which was still on, waking up Riku.

“Oh, I am here,” Riku said sounding sleepy.

“Yeah, I guess we fell asleep after the supper,” Toni said and smiled.

“Ah, speaking of food, what is the time? Do I have time to prepare a proper breakfast for you?”

“It is 7 am. I won’t have to go to school until 10 am. But I think that it should be my turn in the kitchen as you’ve been cooking so much lately,” Toni said.

“No, no! I love cooking and I am more than happy to help you to round up,” Riku said and winked.

Toni smiled and went back to the sofa. Riku left for the kitchen after patting his belly. Toni didn’t know if it was his eyes, but Riku’s belly seemed significantly bigger than when he had first taken off his shirt yesterday. He thought that it had to be the food that they had eaten. Then he looked at his belly and was shocked. How on earth would he fit this massive, ballooned gut into any of his shirts? He pushed the thought aside and figured that he’d think about it after eating breakfast.

Riku was ready with the breakfast quite soon. The mouthwatering odors of eggs, bacon, pancakes and maple syrup had filled the apartment. Toni got to the table only to be surprised by the amount of food that Riku had been able to prepare in such a short time.

“How can you cook so fast?” he asked.

“Oh, I’ve practiced it a lot since I started gaining. My mom has been very helpful as well – she is a professional cook. I’ve also asked my grandma for recipes. Her cooking is the most fattening that I know.”

The two of them dug into the food and Toni was surprised by the amount of food that he could still eat. He had to unbutton his jeans in order to keep going, though. When he was done, he belched and rubbed his belly. A loud creaking sound emerged from the old chair that he was sitting on.

“The food was delicious, thank you very much for cooking,” he said to Riku.

“My pleasure. You better watch out for the chair though, it might break at least according to those creaks!” Riku answered laughing.

“Nonsense. I am not that fat …” Toni started and paused as the creaking got worse. Then all of a sudden the chair collapsed. Riku was laughing out loud. Toni blushed. “How is this possible? Shouldn’t you be the heavier one of us?”

“Well, since the chairs are old, I bet that your chair was weaker than this one,” Riku answered, still laughing. Toni laughed as well. He was excited that he had been able to break the chair only by sitting on it.

As Toni got up, Riku came to pinch his belly. “You’re a big eater. To be honest, eating a lot was very hard for me in the beginning of my journey, but you just got to it straight away in the buffet in June.” As Toni didn’t answer, Riku pushed his warm gut against Riku’s belly. Toni smiled and cuddled him. They stayed there cuddling for a while. Toni felt that Riku was excited about the moment as well.

“I think… I should get to home. We’ll meet at work in the evening. I prepared some snacks for you for school. Eat them, and remember to eat the school’s lunch as well. Even the not very delicious calories help you to grow,” Riku said with a smile. Toni smiled back.

Once Riku had left, Toni went to his closet to get some proper clothes on for school. He was still in the same jeans as yesterday, but as he had unbuttoned them, he hadn’t thought how to get the button back on. He tried to do the button with no success. Then he sucked his gut in, which didn’t help much as he was full of food.

Eventually he got the button done, but he felt it having a struggle to stay on. When he stopped sucking in, the button flew to the floor leaving astonished Toni to stare at it. He patted his gut and watched it wobble. What would he wear now? These size 32 jeans were his largest ones. He figured that he didn’t need the button to keep them on, but people would still notice that the button wasn’t there. He decided to put his belt on in hope of covering the damage. He’d have to buy new jeans after school.  

Then it was time to find a proper shirt. He tried one of his button-up shirts, only to notice that he couldn’t even close the buttons in the middle no matter how hard he tried. It was an old shirt which he had worn before the summer. He figured that he had to buy new shirts as well and grabbed his biggest sweatshirt. He got it on and noticed that it was skin tight even when he was sucking in. When he released his belly again, the shirt rode up a bit revealing the bottom of his belly. He tried to push the shirt down, but it rode up again. As he had no choice but to wear it to school, he decided to suck his belly in for the whole day. After all, he wasn’t that confident about himself that he would show his belly to his friends like that at school. After dressing up, Toni grabbed his school bag and gym bag, since he would have PE that day, and left for school. He couldn’t help but notice how tight his leather jacket was, though. It literally revealed all about his new shape.

When Toni got to the school, he was almost late from his first class. He rushed through the door and as he saw people looking at him weirdly, he noticed that his shirt had ridden up again. He blushed, tugged his shirt back down and chose a desk in the back row. During the lesson he noticed that it was hard for him to suck his gut in all the time. As his history teacher Mrs. Koivisto talked about the subject of the course, he couldn’t help but to slowly release his belly in all its glory. His shirt rode up immediately and revealed his lower belly. The guy next to him, whom Toni only knew by name, noticed this immediately.

“Wow, Toni. Shouldn’t you start thinking about what you’re putting to your mouth?” the guy, Matti, asked whispering.

Toni was surprised by the straightforward question and didn’t manage to answer at all.

“Not to be rude or anything… But you’re pretty much the new hot topic of the school. You really let yourself go during the summer. Shouldn’t you at least buy fitting clothes, fatso?” Matti continued in a mocking tone.

“I’m afraid that’s none of your business,” Toni said, whispering as well. Matti didn’t say anything, but he just poked Toni’s belly. The poke wasn’t playful – it hurt. Toni tugged down his shirt  and hoped that it wouldn’t ride up again.

After the class Toni soon found out that there were three kinds of people when it came to reacting to his weight gain.  Some people were friendly, poking him playfully, others ignored it and acted like nothing had changed and then a few people seemed pretty hostile about it. Toni was excited about the attention he got and the hostile people didn’t really bother him. His calmness surprised himself as well, since last year he’d definitely have minded if he got sort of bullied. He figured that being fatter gave him more confidence, but he continued sucking in as he figured that revealing a part of his belly was a bit too much for most people.

As the day went on, Toni noticed that he was getting hungry again despite of the huge breakfast. Luckily it was lunch time and today the school’s kitchen would be serving meatballs. When it was Toni’s turn to grab food, he took about twenty meatballs and a lot of potatoes as well.  He got to a table where he saw a few people that he had chatted with that day, and started eating. His mountain of meatballs got a few amused glances, but nobody said anything about it and Toni enjoyed the chat in the table.

After the lunch Toni was full again. His next class would be PE and he wondered what his teacher would say to him as Mr. Ståhlberg was a health fanatic. As far as Toni knew, the old man counted all his calories and used almost all of his time at gym. As Toni entered the locker room, he was a bit nervous about changing his clothes in front of the others. He had no choice, though so he quickly changed his jeans for his gym shorts and his college for his gym t-shirt. He found out that it had been a mistake not to look into his gym bag when leaving for school. He had accidentally taken his old gym bag with him and it contained his old gym clothes. The shorts couldn’t cover his butt properly, so his underwear was visible to everybody. His t-shirt didn’t even cover his belly at all; it rode all the way up to his moobs. All the boys in the locker room were staring at him.

“Are you really going to the PE class in those clothes?” a guy next to him asked.

“Well, looks like I’m short of other options,” Toni said. The guy slapped him on his gut.
“Oh wow, you really got quite jiggly during the summer,” somebody laughed.

Toni just grinned. He had learnt to like the comments, even though they had been his greatest fear. It was time to get to the school’s gym and so the boys left the locker room, still chatting about Toni and joking about his figure. Toni had to admit that he was quite a sight, when he saw himself in a mirror on the way. He tugged his tight t-shirt down, but it didn’t work. He was getting quite anxious about what his teacher would say.

It turned out that Mr. Ståhlberg ignored Toni totally, except in the roll call. He did appear quite astonished at first, but after that he stayed politely quiet about the subject, which seemed a bit scary to Toni as he had no idea what Mr. Ståhlberg was up to. The teacher put the boys to run circles around the gym, and Toni soon found out that he couldn’t run for longer than a couple of minutes. After that he walked. It didn’t help that his belly was full of meatballs and he felt his belly jiggling on every step he took. The others seemed to notice it as well.

 The rest of the gym class didn’t go any better as Toni wasn’t able to do any proper push-ups and his full belly was on his way when he tried to do sit-ups. He was good at lifting weight though, thanks to the weight lifting that he had done at gym during the summer. After the PE class was over, Mr. Ståhlberg asked Toni to come to talk to him.

“It seems that you’ve been quite a porker during the summer. Next time don’t show up like a stuffed sausage. The fact that the sports stores don’t have big enough clothes for you doesn’t mean that you can come here half naked!” the teacher said to him in a rude tone.

“Excuse me? I don’t think that the changes in my physique are any of your business. To tell you the truth, I accidentally picked the wrong gym bag at home and thus the clothes are so small. As you don’t tolerate normal clothing during the lessons, I had no choice but to show up like this,” Toni answered angrily.

“What happened, Toni? How on earth did you end up like such a disgusting, fat slob during the summer?! You were one of the best athletes at school! We can’t have you on the swimming team like this!” Mr. Ståhlberg yelled.

Toni walked away without saying a word. He went to the locker room that was now almost empty since the boys were in sauna, changed his clothes quickly and headed for the store, where he was working at. Mr. Ståhlberg’s aggressive comments had surprised him – after all a teacher shouldn’t speak to his students like that – but he didn’t get too upset about it. He liked himself the way he was and more importantly so did Riku. The thought puzzled him though. Why did he care so much about Riku’s opinion?

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