Friday, October 12, 2012

Toni's story - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The following months were the best time in Toni’s entire life. He was seeing Riku daily again both at work and at home and they were feasting every day as well. Toni had noticed changes in his body only a couple of weeks after he had made peace with Riku again. He had first noticed the changes when he had to go up in his clothing sizes as his old clothes could no longer cover his belly. Now that it was July, Toni noticed big changes in his figure compared to April. His face was a little rounder and he, again, had a prominent double chin. He was glad that his face didn’t seem to change a lot, though. His moobs were now visible through any shirt he wore. They were massive, and he had also noticed that his nipples had gotten a lot bigger. His arms weren’t very flabby, as he had still continued weight lifting, but they still looked quite meaty. He had also noticed that his fingers had gotten a bit thicker as he was no longer able to wear his old ring that he had gotten in junior high school. Toni’s belly was now huge; he seemed to pack most of his weight there after all. It hanged over his belts by many inches and covered his belt both when he was sitting and standing. He had also started to form rolls between his moobs and his belly, and he was thrilled to notice that he could hold pencils and other such items underneath the rolls. When Toni walked, he could feel every part of his body jiggling slightly; it felt great. Overall, Toni was happier than in a long time.

Toni had noticed changes in Riku as well. Riku didn’t gain as much fat in his belly as Toni as the fat he gained seemed to spread into his body more evenly. Toni had been pleased to notice that Riku’s butt had gotten massive and that Riku had very hard time buttoning any of his clothes, even though he bought new ones frequently.  Riku’s face also seemed to be a lot fluffier than Toni’s as his cheeks got rounder and rounder day by day. Toni’s favorite part in Riku’s body was his belly, though.  Riku’s belly was very soft to touch even when it was full and Toni loved rubbing it. Sometimes he felt a bit guilty for enjoying the belly rub sessions as much as he did, but those feelings had started to fade as the time passed. 

Toni’s graduation ceremony was already over as well. Since Toni lived alone and his step-father didn’t care about him, he had no money to throw a big party. Due to this he invited nobody but Riku and they had spent the day stuffing themselves to the maximum by different kinds of foods visiting three different buffets during the day. Riku’s graduation preset to Toni had been a suggestion for them to move together to Riku’s apartment. Toni had been astonished at first, but as Riku had hastily reasoned to him that by moving together Toni wouldn’t have to pay rent and that there’d be plenty of room in Riku’s apartment. Toni had learned that Riku’s father was quite rich and thus he had bought the apartment for his son and continued to gift him money on a monthly basis. Riku had been a bit embarrassed to tell about it as he had thought that Toni would think less of him if he knew about it, but Toni didn’t mind it at all. It wasn’t his business what Riku’s father wanted to do with his money.

Today was a day which Toni had feared, though.  Today he would have to leave the pleasures of Riku’s apartment and head for the military base where he would be doing his service. Toni was in a hurry already. The train would leave in thirty minutes and he hadn’t even packed the little amount of things that he was allowed to take with him. Riku had suggested that he’d take Toni to the train station by his car and after Toni had packed, so he did. Much sooner than Toni had hoped, he found himself waving at Riku from the window of his railroad car.

The trip to the military base took four hours, during which Toni felt more and more anxious. He tried to spot other rookies from the train, but since they were clothed normally, he couldn’t tell who was in the same boat with him and who wasn’t. He could see that the train was full of pretty athletic men about his age, though, which worried him. Would he be the only fat rookie in his battalion and, more importantly, would he be fat enough to be freed from the army? He had measured his weight and waist with Riku the day before and he knew that he was now at 135kgs (298lbs) and his waist was 55 inches long. The rapid gains had surprised him, but at least now he should be fat enough to be sent home straight away at the BMI of 41.6.

After the train arrived to the station, which was located inside the military base, Toni was so anxious that he wished that he hadn’t eaten a big breakfast. He noticed that most of the people whom he had seen in the train had indeed been rookies. He couldn’t spot anybody who would have been even nearly as fat as him, which was both embarrassing and exciting at the same time. They were ordered to go to have a health check, in which they’d also receive their green army uniforms.  When Toni was standing in the queue, he found out that he was hungry again. He had no idea when he’d be getting his next meal, though.

Two hours later Toni could finally hear his name being called. Toni walked to the doctor’s room nervously. The first thing that he noticed was that there was no doctor in there but there were a nurse and three soldiers. Toni noticed that the soldiers had quite high ranks. One of them was a major, another a lieutenant and the third a sergeant. Surprisingly the sergeant seemed to be in charge in the room. He had short hair which looked like it was made of steel. His face was rough and expressed disgust when he was looking at Toni.

“Welcome to our military base, recruit…” the major started but he stopped as the sergeant looked at him angrily.

“Welcome indeed,” the sergeant said. “I can see that we have the new fatty of our battalion here, gentlemen. Give him his uniform!”

The nurse looked at Toni with an expression full of empathy and asked in a friendly tone: “What sizes do you need?”

“Erm… Aren’t you going to take my measurements?” Toni asked.

“HA! The fatty is trying to avoid his responsibilities. No, we won’t measure your weight. Get your uniform and head for the barracks!”

“Well, I use triple XL shirts and size 44 jeans,” Toni uttered silently.

“Erm… We don’t have that big…” the nurse started.

“Just give him the biggest uniform that we have and be done with it,” the sergeant said in a cold tone.

The nurse did as she was ordered and Toni was given an XL pine colored shirt, which had long sleeves and a high collar, an XL camouflage jacket, size 38 camouflage trousers, a brown belt and a pair of military boots. The nurse pointed him a door to the room where he could change his clothes. Toni headed there pleased that he wouldn’t have to change his clothes in front of the sergeant. 

It didn’t take long for Toni to notice that the clothes were awfully small. Not that he had expected anything else either. Why would the army have clothes for somebody who is 15kgs heavier than the fattest person that would be allowed in the army? The trousers were far too small for him and thus he could barely get them past his huge, flabby butt. He couldn’t even nearly button them and his legs looked like stuffed sausages. The belt helped him to hide the fact that he couldn’t button the trousers but Toni was sure that somebody would notice it anyways. He could feel his belly spilling over the belt, hiding it, and he realized that his belly would help him to hide the undone zipper and button as well. When he tried his shirt on, he noticed immediately that it couldn’t cover his belly. A flabby roll of fat peeked out from the shirt and while the sight made Toni excited, he couldn’t help but think what the others would say. His jacket didn’t help to hide the belly either, since he could only button three of its buttons. The two buttons in the middle, where he had the most belly fat, couldn’t be done no matter how hard he tried. Besides, the roll of fat that was not covered by his shirt could still be seen when he had the jacket on as the jacket wasn’t long enough to hide it either. The only piece of clothing that fitted Toni was the boots that he had gotten.  They can’t keep me here when I’m looking like this,” Toni thought.

As he walked out of the changing room, he noticed that everybody was staring at him. He gave a cold gaze to the sergeant, whom smiled an evil smile back to him.

“Ah, I can notice that your uniform fits well,” the sergeant said. “Now, off you go!”

Toni left the room with his head up. If he was to spend a year in the army, he would not submit to this evil old man. He knew that he would be in for a trouble if he resisted the orders he was given, but he would do his best to show how reluctant he was.

When Toni entered the barracks, he noticed that he would be staying in the same room with nine other rookies. He got some astonished gazes as he waddled to his room and while he was a bit self-conscious about it at first, he soon reasoned that it would be useless to apologize his looks to anybody. After all he, and even more importantly Riku, liked the way he looked. The rest of the day was uneventful since they were given some free-time for most of the officers were reserved to the health checks that took place around the military base.

As days went by, Toni noticed that his time in the army would be very difficult. The rookies all had to do the cooper test (twelve minutes of running) and Toni found out that he couldn’t even walk for twelve minutes in a row without stopping. In the end he only managed to waddle for 900 meters (2950 feet) and his result was by far the worst amongst the rookies. They also had some other fitness tests, in which Toni performed just as badly, but the sergeant still didn’t want to let Toni go to a proper health check where he would be weighed.

Toni had gotten a few friends in the barracks, but most people seemed to avoid him. He had found out that the military base was full of sportsmen and health nuts, who loathed his appearance, but he was glad that there were some people who didn’t mind. The food at the military base was mostly awful, but Toni still ate big amounts as he was always hungry since he ate much less than back at home with Riku. He didn’t notice any changes in his weight, though. He figured that he still ate enough to at least maintain his weight.

After a couple of weeks Riku was called to meet the same group as he had met in the health check: the major, lieutenant and sergeant. Only the nurse was missing. Toni wondered what was the reason for this meeting, but as he had no choice but to go and meet the officials.

As Toni entered the major’s office, he greeted the major and lieutenant but ignored the sergeant whom he hated. This didn’t go unnoticed by the sergeant whose forced smile turned into an unpleasant grin.

“So, the fatty has arrived,” the sergeant said. As Toni didn’t answer, he continued: “As you may or may not know, the next week is a camping week. Most of the rookies will be heading to the forest to practice living in there under the circumstances in which they will be living if a war is declared. You, however, are in far too bad condition to do this – at least according to the nurse. Due to this, another task has to be assigned for you.”

Toni had indeed heard of the camp and he knew how rough it would be. He was relieved that he didn’t have to go to the camp but he was a bit afraid what he would have to do in return.

The next one to speak was the major. “We have decided that your new task will be to repair the military equipment with the group of mechanics that works here. You have told that you’re good with repairing things and thus this will be a perfect solution. You will no longer be under the command of sergeant Niemi. The team of mechanics is directly under my command, at least in theory.”

Toni could see that the sergeant was not pleased with the situation, but Toni was more than happy to accept the offer. He thanked for the opportunity and asked for permission to leave. When he was given one, he could hear the sergeant uttering: “At least you’ll find fitting coverall suit there and you will no longer have to reveal your fatness to the whole world.” Toni ignored what he had heard and left the office.

Toni started working with the mechanics the next day. He immediately noticed that things were much better there. He still had to eat the same food as others but on top of that the mechanics were given as many donuts as they wanted to eat during coffee breaks. Toni ended up eating a dozen doughnuts a day and his co-workers joked to him about it in a friendly manner. The other mechanics were in the same boat with him, though, as they weren’t exactly the fittest men that he had ever seen. He found out that they weren’t soldiers either. They were simply mechanics that the army had hired, so they didn’t have to do any of the physical exercise or care about their fitness more than an average person would have cared.

After a month had passed, it was time for Toni’s first weekend trip back to home. He was excited to see Riku again.  He hadn’t been able to contact Riku during the time when he was at army, since sergeant Niemi hadn’t allowed cell phones and had collected all of them in the health check. Toni was eager to share his experience with Riku as Riku knew nothing about his time in the army. When the train arrived to Toni’s station he started spotting Riku in the crowd. It didn’t take long for him to find his friend.

“Hey! Oh, well that was unexpected,” Riku said and poked at Toni’s gut grinning.

“Excuse me?” Toni asked, puzzled.

“Well, I can see that you’ve gained weight. One doesn’t gain weight in the army. Not that I’m complaining, it looks great on you!” Riku said blushing a little. “Great uniform, by the way.”

Toni was wearing his military uniform, which revealed his gut in all its glory, since the rookies always had to wear their uniforms when they left the military base. Toni hadn’t expected it either, but now that Riku mentioned it, the uniform really did feel a little bit snugger than it had felt when he had tried it on the first time. He saw other people giving him amused glances as his soft gut and love handles poked out from his jacket.

“Ah, they didn’t have the right size for me. I was too fat, but let me tell you the story on our way home.”

Riku agreed and they left for his car. On their way home, Toni told Riku everything that had happened in the military base during his time there. Riku was astonished by the behavior of the sergeant and by the fact that Toni wasn’t freed of his responsibility. He laughed at the doughnuts, though. When they got home, Riku insisted Toni to weigh himself to see if he had gained any weight.

“137kgs (302lbs)! You really got greedy with the doughnuts, didn’t you?” Riku said and laughed.

Toni laughed as well. After changing clothes, Toni and Riku went to eat the huge supper that Riku had prepared for them and fell asleep on the sofa after some pleasant belly rubbing afterwards.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, things didn’t change much for Toni. He was still working with the mechanics in the army and got to visit home occasionally. His weight continued to grow, most likely due to the doughnuts, and his army uniform got to a point where he couldn’t do any of his jacket’s buttons. Even the coverall suit, in which he worked, had gotten very tight for him. On one day in January Toni received an invitation to a health check, which was weird as nobody else got any invitations. Toni was slightly afraid of what was to come, but the invitation also got his hopes up a bit. The note that he received said that he should go to the nurse’s office as fast as possible.

As Toni entered the same room in which he had been humiliated on day one, he noticed that the nurse was alone this time. There was a scales placed in the middle of the room.

“Oh hey, Toni. Please sit down,” the nurse greeted him.

After Toni had seated, the nurse continued. “So, how have you been?”

“I’ve been all right, thank you. Why’d you invite me?”

“Well, we never got to perform you a proper health check,” she said pointing at the scales, “and now it’s about the time to do so.” As Toni looked puzzled, she added: “The ex-sergeant Niemi no longer works for us.”

Toni was very pleased to hear this. The nurse asked him to step on the scales. Toni could hear creaking sounds from the scales and for a moment he thought whether the scales could even measure his weight or whether he was too heavy for that. After the nurse balanced the scales, she sounded astonished at first, even though she did her best to hide it.

“147kgs (324lbs)!” she said, and walked to her desk to check the BMI charts. “Your BMI is 45.4. There is no reason why I wouldn’t free you from the military service immediately. Do you have any comments on this?”

“Only one: yes please!” Toni said smiling. The nurse smiled at him, understanding.

As Toni received the piece of paper that freed him of the military service, he was free to leave immediately. He grabbed his belongings, said goodbye to his roommates, put on his normal clothes and headed for the train station. Luckily he didn’t have to wait long for the train to arrive.

The train was much emptier than before.  There was hardly anybody in it, but then again it was Tuesday and most of the soldiers got to visit home on Fridays or Thursdays. During the train trip, Toni noticed that the seat in the train had gotten a bit too small for him. He could feel his love handles spilling over the arms of the seat, but he didn’t care. He was very happy that he could finally end his annoying responsibility in the military forces. As Toni wondered what he would do next, he suddenly realized the obvious truth that he had not dared to think about before. The realization made him certain of what he should do.

Riku was waiting for him on the almost empty station since Toni had called him from the train. When he spotted Toni, he smiled and the two of them hugged.

“So, they finally freed you, huh?”

“That they did,” Toni said smiling.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Riku asked.

Toni recognized the situation. This time he would not fail, though.

“I want to get very fat with you,” Toni answered.

Instead of answering, Riku kissed Toni on his lips. Toni kissed him back.

The End

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